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W3: What can STEM content teachers at KTH do to promote effective language and communication skills among their students?

Room and time

Room: D32
Time: 13:45 - 14:45
Format: Workshop

Background and purpose

Few engineering degree programmes at KTH provide high-quality, well-integrated training in language and communication, despite the fact that these skills are highly valued in the students’ studies and future professional lives. This workshop shows faculty members in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) what they can do in their programmes and courses to help develop their students´ language and communication skills - in any language - without overhauling the whole curriculum

Finished work/ongoing work

We are convinced, by our training, teaching experience both at KTH and elsewhere, and from feedback received after our presentation given at CDIO Reykjavik 2022, that STEM programmes, courses, and faculty members can encourage students’ language development and promote effective communication skills.

Results/observations/lessons learned

The workshop we propose to deliver covers three lessons we have learnt.

First, to programme and course design. Using straightforward language development theory, we want to consider how even small changes in attitude to language and course design are crucial to promoting effective communication skills – in any language.

Second, to courses and the ways in which language and communication skills can best be integrated into STEM courses. Here, we will focus on the importance of practice and assessment.

Finally, to student-teacher interactions and feedback: how, why, and when to give feedback on language and communication?

Take-home message

Faculty members in STEM can help develop their students´ language and communication skills - in any language - in ways that are easier and more effective than many will imagine.


Axelsson, M., Rosander, C. & Sellgren, M. (2005). Stärkta trådar – flerspråkiga barn och elever utvecklar språk, litteracitet och kunskap. Språkforskningsinstitutet i Rinkeby

Cummins, J. (1984) Bilingualism and Special Education: Issues in Assessment and Pedagogy. Multilingual Matters.

GELS network

Liyanage, I. et al (2021). Are we thinking critically about critical thinking? Uncovering uncertainties in internationalized higher education. Thinking skills and creativity, vol. 39. March 2021.

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Last changed: Mar 05, 2023