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Call for Applications

ENHANCE School in Public Environmental Humanities
2-6 October 2017
KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory
Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden

Environmental Humanities (EHum) is a relatively new but rapidly expanding field that brings the cultural, historical and ethical dimensions of environmental issues into conversation with the sciences, public policy and the arts. The field has attracted several interdisciplinary research networks linking academic partners in Europe and elsewhere throughout the globe. We consider EHum as an arena where scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds can explore the possibilities of new constellations and assemblages of knowledge production for application to cross-cutting environmental, social, and cultural concerns.

The 2017 ENHANCE School will be dedicated to the theme of Public Environmental Humanities. By this, we mean any possible application of the environmental humanities methods and research beyond the scholarly domain. Public EHum has a clear commitment to socially relevant research and promotes transformative, accessible, and emancipatory knowledge.The 2017 ENHANCE School will explore, debate, and practice different modes and venues in which the Public EHum can materialize, such as filmmaking, exhibitions, policy/advocacy work, and journalism. A preliminary schedule for the school is available on our website.

Applications closed!

How to Apply

To apply, please send:

  • A motivation letter (max 300 words)
  • A short CV (max 1 page)
  • An abstract of your current research project (max 350 words)
  • A statement whether or not you are applying for a travel grant and whether this is an indispensable condition for you to participate in the School

in a single PDF file to ehlab@abe.kth.se by June 30, 2017.

Please consider

  1. The School is developed for the twelve (12) PhD students in the ENHANCE program, but we seek8-10 additional students. PhD, master students, and post docs can apply.

  2. We invite applications from all disciplinary backgrounds: natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the arts.

  3. Lectures, workshops, and activities will be in English.

  4. Students will be required to participate in all the activities of the School, including attendance/participation, readings, and workshop activities.

  5. A limited number of travel grants will be available for successful applicants in order to cover completely or partially their travel and accommodation expenses.

  6. The student is responsible for arranging his/her stay during the school though we will provide some suggestions for accommodation.

  7. Lunch and refreshments throughout the day will be provided for the students.

  8. If desired, students will receive a certificate of participation, which they may use to claim ECTS.