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Co-design of e-health services accessible to users with disabilities

Enabling digital inclusion is of major interest for social welfare in the contemporary society. There are large expectations put on e-health services as mean to increase access to healthcare and at the same time reduce costs. The impact of e-health is depending on whether healthcare users will shift from traditional healthcare to e-health services. People with chronic conditions and disabilities use healthcare frequently and are likely to benefit from e-health services, but our studies show that they often find them cognitively inaccessible.

‍The Swedish Physical Activity on Prescription (PAP) is a method for healthcare to promote physical activity for prevention and treatment of health disorders. Despite scientific support and education campaigns to health professionals, the use of PAP has been low. In previous studies we have shown that healthcare staff acknowledged the importance of promoting physical activity in patient encounters, but perceived lack of time, written routines and competence in using PAP for that purpose.

‍We claim that implementation of e-health services can be facilitated by including the users, i.e. patients and health professionals, in the design process. This project will gather all actor perspectives, i.e. patient, healthcare, design, technology and policy, and use participatory methods for co-production to design e-health services that are cognitively accessible and usable for patients and health professionals.

‍The project includes three work packages (WPs) aiming to establish a design-based knowledge foundation for the production of cognitively accessible e-health services. The current application concerns WP3 which aims to facilitate implementation of a method for supporting physical activity by developing an e-health service through participatory coproduction involving users in the design process. The usability of the service will be tested in interventions to patients in four types of disabilities.

Link to project's website: www.codeac.se
Project report (in Swedish): Studie om 1177 direkt (pdf 822 kB)


  • Catharina Gustavsson - Docent and senior researcher in medical science at CFK Region Dalarna
  • Jan Gulliksen - Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
  • Stefan Johansson - Accessibility expert and PhD doctor in Human-Computer Interaction
  • Marika Jonsson - Doctoral student in Human-Computer Interaction at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Jan Gulliksen
Jan Gulliksen professor
Catharina Gustavsson
Catharina Gustavsson CFK Region Dalarna
Marika Jonsson
Marika Jonsson industridoktorand
Stefan Johansson
Stefan Johansson Accessibility expert


The project is funded with research grants from Forte, the Center for Clinical Research Dalarna, the Västra Götaland region, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology and Begripsam.