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RSO seminar for KTH applicants - ERC Starting Grants 2023

RSO seminar for KTH applicants

If you plan to submit a proposal within this call then you are most welcome to our meeting where we will look through the proposal templates, discuss the call conditions and requirements, and answer your questions in concern of eligibility criteria, formalities and budget.

Tid: On 2022-08-31 kl 13.00 - 15.00

Plats: Zoom

Språk: English

Exportera till kalender

The next call for ERC Starting Grants is expected to be published on 12th of July with deadline for submission at the end of October erc.europa.eu/news/calls-2023-tentative-dates

If you plan to submit a proposal within this call then you are most welcome to our meeting where we will look through the proposal templates, discuss the call conditions and requirements, and answer your questions in concern of eligibility criteria, formalities and budget.

Sign up for the meeting by sending an e-mail to jeanna@kth.se