Join the ABE school's new impact network
Are you interested in questions related to impact? The Impact Group at the ABE school now invites you as a teacher or researcher at the school to join a newly started impact network that will meet a couple of times per semester to discuss and exchange impact related issues.

Johan Silfwerbrand , acting Impact Leader at the school, tells us more.
‘At our school we have a group that works with impact, which includes a teacher or researcher from each department. But we are pretty sure that there are many more people at the school who are interested in impact related issues. So we're going to set up a network - you could also call it a collegium - where we meet regularly a couple of times per semester to discuss and exchange impact issues. Sometimes we will invite a guest who can inspire. If you would like to join the network, please contact one of us!'
What is impact and why is it important?
'How do we reach out to society with what we develop and research at our school? In the past, we've talked about the 'third mission' alongside education and research. There are many different ways to reach out. Publishing in journals, giving lectures, writing opinion pieces and participating in the media are perhaps the first things that come to mind. Participating in standardisation work, writing manuals and responding to referrals are other tools, but there are many more. ABE school researchers often collaborate with companies and public organisations that have few resources and little experience of driving development. At the same time, it is often precisely these actors that need to change in order to solve many societal problems. How do we improve the impact of applied research collaboration and how do we reconcile it with the demands of academic impact and requirements for promotion?'