Appointment Head and Deputy Head of Department for Civil and Architectural Engineering
The term of office for the Head of Department and the Deputy Head of Department for the department of Civil and Architectural Engineering expires at the end of the year.
It is the opinion of the school management that the Head of Department and the Deputy Head of Department work well both individually and as a team, and that both can accept an extension. The proposal is therefore to extend the mandate of the Head of Department and the Deputy Head of Department by one period.
Hearing process
Head of school has appointed Professor Mats Wilhelmsson to lead a hearing process that will seek the views of members of staff as support for the decision. A similar hearing process was carried out at the school in the fall of 2022 when the term of office of five of the school's six heads of departments expired.
Time plan
Relevant groups and individuals at the department, such as Heads of Divisions, Professors, University Administration and doctoral students will be summoned for a hearing/interview during September-October. The assignment is to be reported back to Head of School by November 15, 2024.
According to KTH's rules of procedure, it is the Head of school who appoints the Head of Department and the Deputy Head of Department.