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KTH’s overall presentation material

Material describing KTH and its operations in an overall manner is collected in a brochure called "Research and education for a brighter tomorrow". There is also a folder with a simular format containing abbreviated texts about KTH.

Film "Research and education for a brighter tomorrow"

The film shows clips from KTH's research and education activities as well as campus surroundings. 

Suggestions for use: Different types of visits, different types of events such as seminars or conferences, trips, entertainment.

User rights: The film may be used in KTH's channels. For further questions regarding rights regarding the film and music, contact Tove Guldbrand  at COM.

Campus map

A map of KTH's campus is produced each year. It contains a large map of the KTH campus and smaller maps of the others. It has an introductory text about KTH and reference to KTH's channels, pictures from KTH's operations, current rankings, a map of Stockholm and a map of Stockholm's local traffic.

Suggestions for use: Different types of visits, different types of events such as seminars or conferences.

To order maps please contact the janitor at Brinellvägen 8.

Powerpoint picture

Download KTH's overall PPT (pptx 25MB)

Please note that KTH's font, Figtree, is integrated into the presentation. To ensure that the presentation retains its original appearance when converting to PDF, it is necessary to first download and install the Figtree font.

Powerpoint presentation

KTH's overall PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of KTH's operations and organisation.

  • KTH's Vision and Goals: Who we are and who we want to be.
  • Facts in Numbers: An overview of the number of students, staff, and alumni.
  • KTH's Sustainability work: Our commitment and the steps we take towards a more sustainable future.
  • Education: Information about our schools and institutions and how we conduct education to equip students for the challenges of tomorrow.
  • Research: Research structures and highlights from the research work.
  • Innovation: How we actively promote innovation and support the translation of research into practical solutions. Collaboration: Our partnerships and collaborations with industries, academies, and community organizations. Networks: Networks and platforms we participate in to share knowledge and promote development.
  • Financial Information: An overview of revenues and costs.

The presentation is freely adapted to meet specific needs and focus areas. For questions or suggestions for improvements, contact Graphic profile.

KTH Roll-ups

kth rollup

Roll-ups are a visual tool that can be used at events.

There are a number of roll-ups available for loan. These roll-ups are an easy way to enhance KTH's presence and brand at various events.

Applications: various types of events such as events, seminars, and conferences. They are also suitable for photography or film recordings where it is important that the KTH logo is visible and contributes to strengthening KTH's identity and presence.

To borrow roll-ups, please contact KTH's event group. They will assist you with information about availability.