News channels of the schools
The KTH schools publish their own news both on the external website and on the intranet. They also send out newsletters internally. The schools publish news directed towards a more niche target group, compared to KTH’s general news.
The structure of the news work varies between the different schools. For example, some schools write their own news articles to a higher degree than others do.
The schools’ internal newsletters
All schools send out an internal newsletter to staff every second week. The newsletters are sent out every odd-numbered week. The newsletters contain both local school news and general KTH news.
Do you have a tip concerning news that would be interesting for school staff? The schools’ newsletters accept news tips from all KTH-colleagues.
Since KTH is an international workplace, the newsletters are published in both Swedish and English.
How to send in news tips for the newsletters
The newsletters consist of short teasers with weblinks to the content. This means that in order to be added to the newsletter, the content must be available on the intranet or on KTH’s external website.
- Ensure that the news is available on the website, both in Swedish and in English, and that the weblinks are included in your email.
- Feel free to include a suggestion for a short announcement text, in Swedish and in English. The text should be composed of a headline, body text and link text.
- If you want to attach a photo to the announcement you first need to make sure that the photo’s copyrights allows it to be published in the newsletter. Add the name of the photographer.
- Send your news tip by Tuesdays at 1 p.m. at the latest, for a chance to have it included in Thursday’s newsletter dispatch the same week.
The schools’ newsletter editors have the right to select which news tips are published in the newsletters.
The Researchers’ Noticeboard
In connection to KTH’s general news on the external website, there is space for more niche research news produced by the schools, called the Researchers’ Noticeboard. The content published on the noticeboard is directed towards external target groups with prior knowledge about the field. For example people within the industry and academia, research funders, decision makers and opinion makers within a given field, as well as niche media.
The news can be about:
- milestones for the institution
- larger research grants
- popular science summaries of important publications
- significant collaborations
- short research news
- awards of importance
How to send in news tips for the Researchers’ Noticeboard
To leave a tip, contact the communications officers at your school. They will decide whether the news will be published on the Researchers’ Noticeboard or if it is better suited to another internal or external channel. If the news is deemed appropriate for the Researchers’ Noticeboard you will receive a link to a template into which you can type your news. The communications officers will edit the text and publish it on the website.
When you leave a tip, please describe why it is interesting and topical. This makes it easier for the person receiving the tip to evaluate its news value. When you present research, please describe:
- what problem the research solves
- what the solution is
- what the effect/purpose/result of the new findings is