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Creating an article

You create a new web page – from now on called article – by opening the department that will hold the article.

Go to the content list in the department and choose the article type in the New content drop-down menu and click "Create". The template form for the selected article type is displayed in the work frame.

Specify the required information in the form. After that use the buttons in the upper part of the template to do one of the following:

  • Click "Cancel & Close" to cancel the operation and return to the department. Nothing will be saved.
  • Click "Preview" to view the web page in public mode. Note that this will not save the article. Be aware of that following links in the preview window is not browsing the public site.
  • Click "Save & Insert" to save the article and continue with the publishing operation: Use the radio buttons in the next view to choose the position in the department content list where you would like to place the article. After that publish by clicking the "Insert" button. You return to the department where your new article will be listed.

Mind this! If the department was in edit mode when you created the article the department also must be saved. Otherwise the new article in the content list won’t show on web or be there when you re-open the department template.

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