Fika Chat on Learning Centres – pilot for broader recruitment and lifelong learning – with Nicole Kringos
Live podcast "Fika Chat on the Future of Education" – episode 44

Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and the change programme "Future Education at KTH" in particular. In episode 44, he and programme manager Joakim Lilliesköld will talk with Nicole Kringos about a joint KTH project, which is a system demonstrator for the collaboration between KTH and Learning Centres.
Time: Wed 2024-09-11 16.00 - 16.30
Video link: Zoom
Language: Swedish
Participating: Johan Flid Fridell, Lilliesköld, Nicole Kringos
Today's guest: Nicole Kringos
Nicole has worked for many years to broader recruitment to KTH. Now, her work continues as one of the KTH joint projects starting in 2024 within the programme Future Education at KTH. The project is a so-called system demonstrator that explores questions that can provide lessons about what structural changes are required for a possible upscaling of KTH's collaboration with learning centres. A partnership that will strengthen KTH's work with broader recruitment and lifelong learning.
Read "New initiative for foundation programme in the Stockholm area" (article 2024-09-03)
About the podcast
Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and our change programme " Future Education at KTH " in particular.
Co-create for the podcast
Since we are podcasting live, you have the opportunity to ask questions and comment during the conversation. If you have your own wishes about what you would like to hear, or maybe even participate in the podcast yourself, you are welcome to contact (write "podcast" in the subject line).
Podcast host: Johan Fridell
You may recognise the podcast host Johan Fridell, who, during the corona pandemic, podcasted with a former KTH colleague about digitalisation at KTH. Search for Fikapodden (or & Fika) on Spotify or Youtube.
About the podcast
Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and our change programme " Future Education at KTH " in particular.
Co-create for the podcast
Since we are podcasting live, you have the opportunity to ask questions and comment during the conversation. If you have your own wishes about what you would like to hear, or maybe even participate in the podcast yourself, you are welcome to contact (write "podcast" in the subject line).
Podcast host: Johan Fridell
You may recognise the podcast host Johan Fridell, who, during the corona pandemic, podcasted with a former KTH colleague about digitalisation at KTH. Search for Fikapodden (or & Fika) on Spotify or Youtube.