Fika Chat on various perspectives on AI in higher education with Professor Arnold Pears and the student Avid Fayaz
Live podcast "Fika Chat on the Future of Education" – episode 48

Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and the change programme "Future Education at KTH" in particular. In episode 48, Johan talks to Arnold Pears and student Avid Fayaz about AI in higher education. The episode lays a foundation for a broader strategic discussion at KTH about AI tools and skills in our education.
Time: Wed 2024-11-06 15.00 - 15.30
Video link: Zoom
Language: Swedish
Participating: Johan Flid Fridell, Arnold Pears, Avid Fayaz
This year's Nobel Prizes have shown that AI has many uses and an obvious place in higher education. How do students think about AI – not just ChatGPT – and education? How and when should AI be used, and what kinds of AI are involved?
We get both a teacher and student perspective to a broader strategic discussion at KTH about AI tools and skills in our education.

Today's guests: Arnold Pears and Avid Fayaz
Arnold is a professor in computer science and learning in engineering sciences. In addition to teaching and being Head of the Department of Learning (LES) at the School of industrial engineering and management (ITM) , he leads a Future Education project on "Integration of AI as subject in education at KTH".
Avid is a student, teaching assistant, research assistant, and chairman of the education team at KTH AI Society ( . Currently, he is developing new AI-based models that can be used to automate parts of the work done by teaching assistants (TAs) in programming courses. Avid has his own blog and runs an AI pod ("The AI Pod" Youtube) / The AI Pod (Spotify) .
About the podcast
Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and the change programme "Future Education at KTH" in particular.
Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and our change programme " Future Education at KTH " in particular.
Co-create for the podcast
Since we are podcasting live, you have the opportunity to ask questions and comment during the conversation. If you have your own wishes about what you would like to hear, or maybe even participate in the podcast yourself, you are welcome to contact (write "podcast" in the subject line).
Podcast host: Johan Fridell
You may recognise the podcast host Johan Fridell, who, during the corona pandemic, podcasted with a former KTH colleague about digitalisation at KTH. Search for Fikapodden (or & Fika) on Spotify or Youtube.