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Gender Data Gap Conference

Data from a survey conducted by Teknikkvinnor Sverige AB (on behalf of the competence centre Road2Science) on gender distribution at different hierarchical levels in the road engineering sector in Europe and the United States, in both academia and industry, clearly shows that the proportion of women decreases higher up in the hierarchy. Road2Science has identified the gender gap in the data "Gender Data Gap" as an important challenge in social development and will continue working to counter this in the digitization of the transport infrastructure sector. The upcoming conference is one of the first steps in this direction.

Time: Wed 2020-05-27 09.30 - 15.45

Location: Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre

Participating: Road2Science

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Preliminary program content

  • Introduction to the topic, organizers and speakers
    Niki Kringos, Conference Chair
    Professor in Highway Engineering and Director KTH Road2Science Center KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Keynote lecture ‘The risks and consequences of data bias in a digitized world’
    Caroline Criado Perez
    Royal Society awarded Author of ‘Invisible Women: Data bias in a world designed for men’
  • How to create gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility
    Malin Henriksson
    Senior Researcher in Mobility, Actors and Planning Processes Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
  • How to ensure an inclusive transport sector in a digitized world
    Dag Balkmar
    Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Örebro University
  • Design in the 21st Century: socio-technical challenges and opportunities
    Maaike Harbers
    Lector Artificial Intelligence and Society Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
  • The City of Malmö’s approach to gender equal urban design
    Daniel Svanfelt
    Head of unit City Planning Office, City of Malmö
  • Round table discussion & audience questions
    Carolina Criado Perez, Malin Henriksson, Maaike Harbers, Dag Balkmar, Daniel Svanfelt & representatives of Region Stockholm, Trafikverket, Scania, Vinnova, Formas, KTH
  • The way forward
    5 min presentations on how we intent to drive the question forward by InfraSweden/Viable Cities/Smart Build/Vinnova/Formas/KTH
  • Please note that the program is preliminary. See updated program on the conference web page