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Information session: Apply for ERC Consolidator Grants 2024

Are you a KTH researcher with a promising project idea? Do you also have a doctoral degree completed seven and up to twelve years ago? If yes, this information session on applying for an ERC Consolidator Grants 2024 is for you!

Time: Thu 2023-10-12 13.00 - 17.00

Location: Zoom (link provided at registration)

Language: English

Participating: Research Support Office

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A new call for ERC (European Research Council) Consolidator grants was published on 12 September 2023, with a deadline for submission on 12 December 2023. The call is for researchers with seven and up to twelve years of experience since completing their doctoral degree and a scientific track record showing great promise with a project idea.

If you are in the process of preparing a proposal within this call, join our information session, where we will discuss the call conditions and requirements and look through the proposal templates. We will answer your questions concerning eligibility criteria, other formalities, and budget. You will also get the opportunity to listen to two ERC grantees and an experienced reviewer who will share his advice on how to write a successful ERC proposal.

Grant information (ERC website)

Sign up by sending an e-mail to Jeanna Ayoubi , EU Grants specialist at the Research Support Office.



Jeanna Ayoubi
Jeanna Ayoubi senior officer