When will small, modular reactors power our society?
A talk with Janne Wallenius, Recipient of the 2022 KTH Innovation Award

Welcome to a talk with Professor Janne Wallenius. As a researcher at KTH and an entrepreneur in the company Leadcold, Janne Wallenius has been driving the development of small lead-cooled nuclear reactors, known as SMRs or Small Modular Reactors, since 2013. Hear his story at KTH Innovation on 21 April!
Time: Fri 2023-04-21 12.15 - 13.00
Location: Arenan, KTH Innovation, Teknikringen 1
Language: English
Participating: Janne Wallenius

Public resistance to nuclear power was strong when Professor Janne Wallenius began developing the technology for small, lead-cooled nuclear reactors. But times have changed, and ten years down the line there is increasing support for his project.
The plan is to start constructing a test facility in Oskarshamn in 2025. How did Leadcold's journey start and what remains to be done until we have power to the grid?
Welcome to a talk with Janne Wallenius, KTH professor, founder of LeadCold, and recipient of the 2022 KTH Innovation Award.
Register for the event
Let us know you're coming. Register here . Lunch sandwich for the first 25 people to arrive.
About Leadcold
In March 2013, a group of researchers contacted KTH Innovation with the idea of developing a new kind of small nuclear reactor cooled with lead. In August of that same year, they founded the company Leadcold. That was the start of ten years of ups and downs. In 2022, Leadcold got 99 million Swedish crowns in funding from the Swedish Energy Agency and an investment of 25 million from Swedish angel investors. Founder Janne Wallenius also received the KTH Innovation Award for his creativity, grit and courage in bringing small-scale, modular reactors to the market. In December 2022, Jacob Stedman, founder of Doktor24, took over as CEO of the company. Construction of a test facility is planned to start in Oskarshamn in 2025.
The KTH Innovation Award
The KTH Innovation Award aims to celebrate people from KTH who with creativity, grit and courage have contributed to solving society’s challenges with innovation. The Award was founded in 2020 and made possible by donations from Mathias Uhlén, professor at KTH and Spotify founder and CEO Daniel Ek. The monetary award is 500 000 SEK.