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Workshop: KTH and AI innovation of Sweden

Join this first meeting to discuss how KTH should get involved with AI innovation of Sweden.

Time: Fri 2020-05-08 14.00 - 16.00

Location: Zoom meeting

Participating: Jan Gulliksen, Petra Dalunde and Niccolas Albiz

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AI Innovation of Sweden is a national center for applied AI research and innovation, with the aim to strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish industry and welfare. AI Innovation of Sweden is a national and neutral initiative, functioning as an engine in the Swedish AI ecosystem. The focus is on accelerating the implementation of AI through sharing knowledge and data, co-location of competences, and collaboration projects, all with a strong emphasis on ethics, transparency, and security.

KTH has joined AI innovation of Sweden as a partner as it is setting up its Stockholm node.

We hereby invite to a workshop to inform about what AI innovation is and to discuss and brainstorm in what way KTH can and want to be involved. This will be a KTH-centric event in order to allow for focused initiatives and ideas to come forth. There are many different ways to become involved and we will have an open discussion to brainstorm ideas and opportunities together.

We will be accompanied through this process by Petra Dalunde, who is the regional coordinator of the Stockholm node and by Niccolas Albiz who also works with AI innovation.

When: Friday, May 8, 14-16

Where: Zoom,

Sign upp:


14.00: Welcome and general inforamtion about KTH and AI innovation - Jan Gulliksen, Vice President for Digitalization at KTH

14.10: Short introduction to AI Innovation of Sweden - Petra Dalunde,

14.25: Workshop - Niccolas Albiz  and KTH/CINEK

16.00: The end
