Fri 27 September
Public defences of doctoral theses
Friday 2019-09-27, 10:00
Location: M3, Brinellvägen 64, Maskin, våningsplan 2, KTH Campus, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Maja Finnveden , Industriell bioteknologi, Biokatalys
2019-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00 Enzyme catalysis towards bio-based UV-curable buildingblocks (Public defences of doctoral theses) M3, Brinellvägen 64, Maskin, våningsplan 2, KTH Campus, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Enzyme catalysis towards bio-based UV-curable buildingblocks (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Friday 2019-09-27, 10:00
Location: E3, Osquars backe 14, KTH Campus, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Wujun Mi , Medicinsk bildfysik, Medical Imaging
2019-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00 A Stacked Prism Lens Concept for Next-Generation Hard X-Ray Telescopes (Public defences of doctoral theses) E3, Osquars backe 14, KTH Campus, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)A Stacked Prism Lens Concept for Next-Generation Hard X-Ray Telescopes (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Engineering Mechanics
Friday 2019-09-27, 10:00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan , Linné Flow Center, FLOW, Mekanik, Erik Lindborg
2019-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T10:00:00.000+02:00 Advancements in stratified flows through simulation, experiment and open research software development (Public defences of doctoral theses) F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Advancements in stratified flows through simulation, experiment and open research software development (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Telecommunication Information and Communication Technology
Friday 2019-09-27, 13:00
Location: Sal-C, Electrum 229, SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Mohammad Istiak Hossain , Radio Systems Laboratory (RS Lab), Techno Economic
2019-09-27T13:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T13:00:00.000+02:00 Cellular-Internet-of-Things Enablers: (Public defences of doctoral theses) Sal-C, Electrum 229, SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Cellular-Internet-of-Things Enablers: (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Friday 2019-09-27, 13:00
Location: FB52, Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Daniel Weston , Kondenserade materiens teori
2019-09-27T13:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T13:00:00.000+02:00 Phase transitions and phase frustration in multicomponent superconductors (Public defences of doctoral theses) FB52, Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Phase transitions and phase frustration in multicomponent superconductors (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Friday 2019-09-27, 14:00
Location: Hörsal D2, Lindstedtsvägen 9, stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Adrien Sthoer , Yt- och korrosionsvetenskap
2019-09-27T14:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T14:00:00.000+02:00 Molecular Insight into Ion-Specific Interactions (Public defences of doctoral theses) Hörsal D2, Lindstedtsvägen 9, stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Molecular Insight into Ion-Specific Interactions (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Friday 2019-09-27, 14:00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Göran Svensson , Optimeringslära och systemteori
2019-09-27T14:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T14:00:00.000+02:00 Topics in Workforce Management in a Contact Center Context (Public defences of doctoral theses) F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Topics in Workforce Management in a Contact Center Context (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Machine Design
Friday 2019-09-27, 15:00
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm (English)
Doctoral student: Mia Hesselgren , Produkt- och tjänstedesign
2019-09-27T15:00:00.000+02:00 2019-09-27T15:00:00.000+02:00 Designing for sustainability practices (Public defences of doctoral theses) Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm (English) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Designing for sustainability practices (Public defences of doctoral theses)