Thu 03 November
Staff weeks and courses
Mon 2022-09-19 - Fri 2022-12-16
Location: SpainBcn-School, Barcelona, Spain
2022-09-19T00:00:00.000+02:00 2022-12-16T23:59:00.000+01:00 SpainBcn-Programs (Staff weeks and courses) SpainBcn-School, Barcelona, Spain (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)SpainBcn-Programs (Staff weeks and courses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Chemical Engineering
Thursday 2022-11-03, 10:00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Zhi Zou , Kemiteknik
2022-11-03T10:00:00.000+01:00 2022-11-03T10:00:00.000+01:00 Capacitive Mixing for Extracting Concentration Gradient Energy (Public defences of doctoral theses) F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Capacitive Mixing for Extracting Concentration Gradient Energy (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Engineering Mechanics
Thursday 2022-11-03, 14:00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm
Doctoral student: Ramón Pozuelo , Strömningsmekanik och Teknisk Akustik
2022-11-03T14:00:00.000+01:00 2022-11-03T14:00:00.000+01:00 Study of adverse-pressure-gradient effects on a flat-plate boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers (Public defences of doctoral theses) F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Study of adverse-pressure-gradient effects on a flat-plate boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers (Public defences of doctoral theses)