Mon 30 January - Sun 05 February
Current higher education pedagogical courses
Monday 2023-01-30, 13:15
2023-01-30T13:15:00.000+01:00 2023-01-30T13:15:00.000+01:00 LH221V Examinership for Courses at KTH 1.5 credits (Current higher education pedagogical courses) LH221V Examinership for Courses at KTH 1.5 credits (Current higher education pedagogical courses) -
Conferences and events
Tuesday 2023-01-31, 14:00 - 15:00
Location: KTH Live-In Lab, Malvinas väg 14
2023-01-31T14:00:00.000+01:00 2023-01-31T15:00:00.000+01:00 Open House at KTH Live-In lab (Conferences and events) KTH Live-In Lab, Malvinas väg 14 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Open House at KTH Live-In lab (Conferences and events) -
Operational status Ladok
Wednesday 2023-02-01, 04:00 - 06:00
2023-02-01T04:00:00.000+01:00 2023-02-01T06:00:00.000+01:00 Ladok closed (Operational status Ladok) Ladok closed (Operational status Ladok) -
Conferences and events
Wed 2023-02-01, 08:00 - Fri 2023-02-03, 15:00
Location: Kvarnbergagatan 12, Södertälje samt Online
2023-02-01T08:00:00.000+01:00 2023-02-03T15:00:00.000+01:00 Welcome to Science Week! (Conferences and events) Kvarnbergagatan 12, Södertälje samt Online (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Welcome to Science Week! (Conferences and events) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Computer Science
Thursday 2023-02-02, 09:00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm
Doctoral student: Ruibo Tu , Robotik, perception och lärande, RPL
2023-02-02T09:00:00.000+01:00 2023-02-02T09:00:00.000+01:00 A Further Step of Causal Discovery towards Real-World Impacts (Public defences of doctoral theses) F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)A Further Step of Causal Discovery towards Real-World Impacts (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Electrical Engineering
Thursday 2023-02-02, 13:00
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm
Video link: zoom link for online defense
Doctoral student: Priyanka Shinde , Elkraftteknik
2023-02-02T13:00:00.000+01:00 2023-02-02T13:00:00.000+01:00 Efficient Trading in the Short-term Electricity Markets for Integration of Renewable Energy Sources (Public defences of doctoral theses) Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Efficient Trading in the Short-term Electricity Markets for Integration of Renewable Energy Sources (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Computer Science
Thursday 2023-02-02, 13:00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Özer Özkahraman , Robotik, perception och lärande, RPL
2023-02-02T13:00:00.000+01:00 2023-02-02T13:00:00.000+01:00 Multi-Agent Mission Planning and Execution for Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (Public defences of doctoral theses) F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Multi-Agent Mission Planning and Execution for Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (Public defences of doctoral theses)