Protest march on KTH Campus
Between 60 and 80 people demonstrated at lunchtime on May 21 at KTH Campus - from the courtyard, where some 30 students had been camping for almost a week - to Brinellvägen 8. The police were present during the demonstration, and they assess and decide how to handle the protests.

At the demonstration, which lacked a permit but is constitutionally protected according to the police's assessment, a number of demands were made of KTH, including that KTH should take a stand against the war in Gaza.
“KTH is a government agency and as such we have to follow the government's line on foreign policy issues, which we have expressed on several occasions in dialogue with the students. Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion on the conflict - a conflict that is terrible for all those affected," says Anders Söderholm, President of KTH.
Many emails with questions about the protests and how KTH views them have been received by KTH.
"Students and employees are of course entitled to express their opinions, but everyone on campus should feel comfortable and welcome. We have a close dialogue with the police and follow their decisions," Anders Söderholm says.
Lectures and activities continue as usual. KTH is monitoring the development.
Text: Jill Klackenberg