Keep track of finances – read the annual report

Hello there Anna Björklund, senior administrative officer at the Management Office. You are the coordinator for KTH's 2023 annual report, which is now ready. Why should I read it?
“It provides a good overview of our extensive activities. Anyone who doesn't want to read the whole thing can still make great use of the annual report as an encyclopaedia. The public and journalists who contact KTH with questions can often find answers there, as can all employees who have questions about the organisation.”
“This year, the annual report has a new graphic design, which is particularly pleasing.”
What is the result compared to the previous year?
“The financial result amounted to SEK -258 million, which was SEK 121 million worse than for 2022. Inflation has meant that premises costs, in particular, have increased. Premises and staff costs account for almost 75 per cent of the cost increases. The government appropriations were increased to a much lesser extent than, for example, the rental agreements. Read more about this in the annual report, in the section on financial reporting.”
Can you say something about the application pressure for the programmes?
“In general, KTH has many applicants and annually receives almost 30 per cent of first choice applications to the country's civil engineering programmes. As usual, the architecture programme had the most first choice applicants among the vocational programmes, followed by the Master of Science in Computer Engineering programme.”
In 2023, an unusually large number of major and crucial decisions were made.
“Probably few people have missed the relocation of operations in Kista and Södertälje. It also introduces a new collegial structure with faculty boards at the schools and a new model for the distribution of resources in education at undergraduate and graduate level. The Cybercampus Sweden, established by the government, was inaugurated the other week and will be hosted by KTH,” Björklund says.
Text: Lars Öhman