New group preparing research initiatives

As of the first of January, a group for the preparation of research initiatives will be introduced. This is one of several results of the review of special research initiatives carried out during the autumn.
"Through greater clarity, a more holistic approach and a broader base, KTH's research will be strengthened and stand even better in international competition," says Annika Borgenstam, Vice President for Research.
She has led the review of how KTH's research initiatives in terms of research centres, platforms, SFOs, research infrastructures and also strategic partnerships have been organised.
"The idea is also that we should have a well thought-out system in our research initiatives so that we can use our resources where they are most useful."
Platforms will be phased out
Another outcome of the review is that KTH's six research platforms will be phased out by the end of June 2024.
"The platforms have served KTH well, but now we will try something new where we can open up for new, more agile initiatives and investments in line with our vision, KTH's mission and what is current in the outside world," says Annika Borgenstam.
The committee for research initiatives, as decided by the President of KTH, includes a number of different issues that will be prepared and analysed to result in proposals to KTH's management team.
The committee's remit includes:
- propose direct funding of research initiatives, including increased investment in research infrastructures,
- prioritise co-financing between initiatives that have been granted external funding,
- nominate KTH representatives to national and international councils and committees,
- manage internal nomination processes,
- manage issues regarding KTH's participation in national and international networks,
- promote a more efficient way of working between the faculty and operational support,
- propose development projects
- prepare proposals for KTH's areas of strength and focus and participate in the dialogue on how KTH wants this to be communicated
Extensive knowledge
"Our hope is that this will provide a clearer and broader anchoring where KTH's research will be strengthened in the long run," says Annika Borgenstam.
The research committee, chaired by Annika Borgenstam, includes six senior research leaders and professors with extensive knowledge and insight into KTH's various research areas: Anna-Karin Tornberg, Per Lundqvist, Lars Kloo, Karl-Henrik Johansson, Sophia Hober and Dan Henningson. Other members include the Dean of Faculty, Vice Dean of Faculty, Deputy President and Deputy University Director.
The research committee will be evaluated after two years.
How will these changes be felt by KTH's researchers?
"Primarily perhaps by making it clearer what applies to co-funding, but we also hope that it will be possible to support and develop initiatives of strategic importance to KTH," says Annika Borgenstam.
Översyn av KTH:s särskilda forskningssatsningar (pdf 1.1 MB)
Text: Jill Klackenberg
Photo: Magnus Glans