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Occupational pension

When employed by the government, you have the right to an occupational pension, sickness pension at long-term illness and allowance to your family in the event of death.

Your occupational pension varies depending on when you were born

Your birth year is affecting your occupational pension. In general, you belong to Part II in the occupational pension agreement PA 16 if you are born before 1988. If you are born 1988 or later, you belong to Part I.

Information for you that is born before year 1988 on
Information for you that is born year 1988 or later, on

More income gives higher occupational pension

Your occupational pension is depending on how much you earn. This is worth considering when you take out overtime in pay or in vacation. When you start working also matters for how much you earn during your whole working life.

Your occupational pension is affected also by different events in your life and from the choices you make. If you, for instance, choose to go down in working hours, it affects your pension.

Läs mer om hur olika händelser i livet påverkar din tjänstepension.

Read more about how different events affects you occupational pension.

Choose who shall manage part of your pension

As employer, KTH pays money every month to different parts in your occupational pension and you choose which insurer shall manage one of the parts. You just need to choose if you want to. If you choose not to make your own choice, your money is placed in a traditional insurance without repayment protection at Kåpan Pensioner.

For making your choice, you log in at “Your pages” at Here you find more information and guidance.

Log in at your pages at

Your pension comes from different parts

A pyramid, top Private pension savings, middle Occupational pension, Bottom
Translation of the text in the pyramid: Eget sparande: Private savings. Tjänstepension: Occupational pension Statlig anställning: Government employment. Allmän pension: National public pension

The pension pyramid shows the three parts of which your pension consists of.

  • The base is the national public pension paid from the Swedish Pensions Agency.
  • When you have been working for the government, you also get an occupational pension. Maybe you have also been working within the private or communal sector or within the county council. If so, you can get occupational pension for that time.
  • You may also have your private savings.

About the national public pension.

Your occupational pension is covered by a collective agreement

The occupational pension is an important supplement to the general pension. The agreement for you as a government employee, has been negotiated by the union organizations in the state branch (OFR/S, OFR/P, OFR/O, Saco-S, SEKO) together with Arbetsgivarverket (the Swedish Agency for Government Employers).

Om tjänstepensionsavtal PA 16 på Arbetsgivarverkets webbplats.

About the occupational pensions agreement, PA 16

For information

The National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV) is managing our pension administration. Here you can get support concerning questions about your occupational pension. You are welcome to contact SPV at telephone number 020-51 50 40 eller

If you have questions concerning your national public pension, contact the Swedish Pensions Agency at telephone number 0771-776 776.