Leave of absence
The right to leave of absence is mainly determined by laws and agreements. Leave days are tried in each individual case. Some of the leave days you are entitled to, some are granted if it can be done with regard to the business/work planning. There are leave days with and without salary. All leave days should be reported in the self-report system, HR-plus
Leave of absence with salary
If the employer has granted the employee leave of absence with support of the leave regulation (1984:111) or other statute, the employee has the right to salary without deduction during the leave according to the summary below.
You may read more in the regulation about the length of the duration with salary in the following cases:
- Family matter* within your own family or the nearest family circle** (read clarification below)
- Moving to another address (national registration address)
- Trade union commission
- Visit to the dentist, physiotherapist, occupational health service, health care, blood donation or pregnant women visiting the maternity center
- Examinations or treatments done by referral of a dentist or doctor
- Wellness activities
If you are granted leave of absence for some of these occasions, no salary deduction is made. Leave during part of the day is counted as a full day. When visiting the doctor, the time of visit should as far as possible be done in the beginning or the end of the day.
Possibility to get vaccinated during working hours
Anyone employed at KTH has the possibility to be vaccinated against Covid-19 and/or against seasonal flu during working hours.
More information about these vaccinations is available from the respective region. Here you will find information from Region Stockholm: Vaccination mot covid-19 och influensa - 1177 (in Swedish)
*Clarification: family matter
The employee can receive a maximum of ten days per calendar year for family matters, travelling time included. Leave during part of the day is counted as a full day.
"The time which is needed (incl. travel time)" 1 is a concept that can vary from case to case. At KTH, the basic principle is applied that paid leave is granted for one day for each of the occasions presented here. Account must be taken to the time needed for a possible journey that must be made during working hours. Practical application is one day for the family matter and one day for travel outside Stockholm.
Serious disease cases. One day when the employee has to be present, for example at an accident/emergency of an acute nature (that could not have been foreseen or planned for) alternatively watch at the deathbed.
Funeral and interment. One day for attending a funeral/interment. The interpretation of the family circle*** is extended considering funeral, at KTH (read more below).
Estate inventory and succession. One day when presence is needed for signing the inventory or succession.
In case of death. One day in connection of death.
Family matter is applied for in the self-report system and information should be given about the cause of the application, kinship to the person concerned and if travel time is needed or has been needed.
There are many other occasions when one wishes to be on leave for family matters and for those there are also a possibility to get leave approved, but with a salary deduction (a so called ”private matter”) or one can use holiday/flexitime or time compensation.
Examples of ”private matters” can be:
- One´s own time of grief
- Funeral of a near friend
- Estate management/inventory
- Preparations for funeral
- Cleaning out estate
- Moving of a near family member
- Visiting a near family member to adjust flat/house, sick care team etc.
- Attend at a visit to the doctor
- Birthday celebration
There is also something called care for close relatives/related party allowance. In these cases, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency decides about the allowance and pays it to the employee. The employer makes a full salary deduction. The employee is entitled to leave of absence for the time and to the extent that the allowance is received from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.
Read more here: forsakringskassan.se
1 Villkorsavtal/ Villkorsavtal-T, 9 kap, 2 § a)
**Clarification: the nearest family circle include
- Husband/wife
- Cohabitants who live under marriage-like circumstances are equated with husband/wife
- Children
- Grandchildren
- Parents
- Parents-in-law
- Grandfathers and -mothers
- Siblings
- Uncles and aunts
- Foster parents
- Step-parents
- Step-children
- Nephews
- Daughter-in-laws/son-in-laws
- Sister-in-laws/brother-in-laws
***At a funeral also:
- Husband´s/wife´s grandfathers and -mothers
- Step-siblings
- Ex husband/wife
Leave without salary
When on leave of maximum five work days, a deduction of 4.6 % is made for each work day of the fixed salary.
When on leave of maximum six work days or more, a deduction of 3.3 % is made for each calendar day.
Leave of absence without salary is not holiday-based.
You apply for leave of absence in the self-report system.