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The Central Collaboration Group’s committees

The Central Collaboration Group has appointed joint working groups for different subject areas.

Human Resources Planning Committee (Personalplaneringskommitté, PPK)


Chairperson: Head of Human Resources
Up to 4 other AG representatives
6 AO representatives


Term of office

3 years

Equality and Diversity Committee, JMK


4 AG representatives, 1 of whom acts as the chairperson
3 AO representatives
1 doctoral student (appointed by THS)
2 Student representatives (appointed by THS)


JML Coordinator (Gender Equality and Diversity Coordinator)

Term of office

3 years

Safety Committee

At the work environment-themed meetings of the Central Collaboration Group, the Central Cooperation Group acts as a Safety Committee. On these occasions, the Central Collaboration Group is expanded.


Chairperson; CSG’s chairperson
3 AG representatives
6 AO representatives
All of HSKO
1 Student representative (appointed by THS)


KTH’s Environmental Officer

Term of office

3 years