Central Collaboration Group
At the central level, collaboration takes place in the Central Collaboration Group (Centrala samverkansgruppen, CSG).
Collaboration at the central level
The Central Collaboration Group (Centrala samverkansgruppen, CSG) has a comprehensive and coordinating function for all staff collaboration. Prior to decisions by the President and prior to decisions taken by the Faculty Board or equivalent collegial body.
Submission of cases to the Central Collaboration Group
Employer representatives
Kerstin Jacobsson, University Director, Chairperson
Annica Fröberg, Head of Human Resources
Petra Rosenquist, HR Specialist, Secr. CSG
Employee representatives
Charlotte Hurdelbrink, SACO-S
Reine Bergström, SACO-S
Susanna Elfving Blomster, ST
Erik Edstam, ST
Per-Ove Öster, SEKO
Nelli Jokinen, SEKO
Eva Petterson, Safety Officer
Preparatory committees for subject areas
The Central Collaboration Group has appointed joint preparatory committees for different subject areas:
- Human Resources Planning Committee (Personalplaneringskommitté, PPK)
- Committee for Equality, Diversity, and Equal Treatment Issues (Jämställdhets- och mångfaldskommitté, JMK)
- Work Environment Committee
- Editorial Committee
Aside from the Human Resources Planning Committee, these preparatory committees participate in thematic meetings according to the meeting schedule.
According to Chapter 6, §§ 8 and 9 of the Swedish Work Environment Act, the Central Collaboration Group’s meetings focusing on work environment issues fulfil the function of a Safety Committee.