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Collaboration for development at KTH

Collaboration is the basis of KTH’s development work, both in everyday issues and for long-term goals. The aim is to create the conditions for a work climate characterised by an ethical approach, mutual respect, openness, participation, foresight and efficiency.

This agreement is based on:

  • The central agreement “Collaboration for the Future”

This agreement replaces:

  • KTH’s Local Collaboration Agreement, 2011-02-01, Ref. no. V-2011-0052

§ 1 Purpose

Collaboration is the basis of KTH’s development work, both in everyday issues and for long-term goals. The aim is to create the conditions for a work climate characterised by an ethical approach, mutual respect, openness, participation, foresight and efficiency.
KTH’s organisation develops through the employee’s participation and by utilising their knowledge and expertise in a manner that benefits both parties.

§ 2 Prerequisites

Collaboration means that management and employees adopt a holistic approach to personnel policy with regard to leadership, employeeship, work environment, gender, diversity and equal treatment aspects, and competence development, thus ensuring that they are integrated into operational issues.

Collaboration implies that information is made available and that dialogue and discussions are initiated at the earliest possible opportunity prior to all decisions, so that there are real opportunities to influence them. This presupposes active participation from the employer, employee organisations and individual employees. The employer has a special responsibility to provide documentation for the collaboration process in good time.

§ 3 The Collaboration Agreement in relation to MBL

With the exception of what is stated below, the collaboration replaces the employer’s obligation to negotiate and inform (under MBL §§ 11 and 19), as well as the ability of the employees’ organisations to call for a negotiation (under MBL §§ 12 and 38, which relates to negotiations when appointing consultants).

Under MBL, negotiations take place:

  • Prior to meetings of the University Board
  • In the Human Resources Planning Committee, when addressing specific personnel matters
  • In the event of disagreement in the Central Cooperation Group (Centrala samverkansgruppen, CSG) or in the Human Resources Planning Committee (Personalplaneringskommittén, PPK) in accordance with § 4 of this agreement.

§ 4 Collaboration takes place at multiple levels

Collaboration shall take place at the level at which decisions are made.
Collaboration between the parties takes place:

  • At the central level, in the Central Collaboration Group (Centrala samverkansgruppen, CSG). Prior to decisions by the President and prior to decisions taken by the Faculty Board or equivalent collegial body.
  • At the school level, in each School Collaboration Group (skolsamverkansgrupp, SSG).
  • At the departmental level, in the Local Collaboration Group (lokal samverkansgrupp, LSG), in cases where the Head of School has delegated responsibility for making certain decisions to the Head of Department/equivalent.

In addition to CSG, SSG and LSG, collaboration occurs:

  • between the manager and the working group, via workplace meetings (arbetsplatsträffar, APT).
  • between the manager and individual employees, via performance appraisals

Collaboration in CSG, SSG and LSG is documented in minutes that are adjusted by the employer and the employee organisations in attendance. Minutes must be adjusted promptly and no later than 2 weeks after the collaboration has occurred.

In the event of disagreement in LSG, the matter is transferred by the employer to SSG, in accordance with the provisions on ethics and confidentiality set out in § 10. Adjusted minutes must be attached.

In the event of disagreement in SSG, the matter is transferred by the employer to the CSG (for operational issues) and to the Human Resources Planning Committee (Personalplaneringskommittén, PPK) (for personnel issues). Adjusted minutes must be attached.

In the event of disagreement in CSG or PPK, the form of collaboration changes to negotiation, in accordance with § 14 of MBL.

Case management in SSG and LSG is described in Annex 1.

§ 5 Collaboration on work environment issues

Collaboration pertaining to work environment issues is integrated with operational issues at all levels. At the central level there is a safety Committee (in accordance with the Swedish Work Environment Act, Chapter 6, § 8.9). The Safety Committee is composed of employers’ representatives, trade unions representatives, and the chief safety officers.

Work environment matters are dealt with in each School Collaboration Group and documented in an annual work environment plan.

In the event of disagreement in the Safety Committee about work environment issues, the matter may be referred to the Swedish Work Environment Authority (at the request of a committee member).

§ 6 Collaboration on equality, diversity, and equal treatment issues (jämställdhets-, mångfalds- och likabehandlingsfrågor, JML issues)

Collaboration pertaining to JML issues is integrated with operational issues at all levels.

The local JML work is discussed in the School Collaboration Groups (SSG) and must be documented.

§ 7 Collaboration through workplace meetings (arbetsplatsträffar, APT)

APT address issues that are most closely tied to daily operations. APT is a forum where employees have the opportunity to contribute their expertise and ideas in an ongoing dialogue about the development, planning, implementation and follow-up of operations/activities.

§ 8 Collaboration between managers and individuals

Collaboration between individual employees and their immediate superiors/managers occurs via performance appraisals.

Operational goals and the needs of the employee serve as the starting point for the discussion.
The performance appraisal is documented by the manager and employees, who jointly update previous documentation.

Performance appraisals should create clarity about operational goals, the employee’s duties and the expectations of both the manager and the employee.

Performance appraisals shall aim to maintain the employee’s employability, thus securing the expertise necessary to operations.

Performance appraisals shall be conducted at least once a year.

9 § Ethics and confidentiality in staff collaboration

Ethics and confidentiality issues are discussed in the collaboration groups.
The confidentiality of human resources management activities is described in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.

The ethical foundation of the collaboration work is the idea that issues must be addressed with respect for the individual, with mutual trust, and in accordance with applicable laws and agreements. If an individual is involved, she/he shall be involved in and informed about what is happening and what is discussed in the collaborative process. Cases shall be dealt with in a transparent manner vis-à-vis the interested party, but shall not be disseminated to anyone other than those who need to know about the case in order for decisions to be taken.

The Employment Co-Determination in the Workplace Act (MBL § 21) states that the employer or the employees’ organisations may request that the obligation of professional secrecy be applied to a specific case or to specific information. Members of the employees’ organisations may share information with members of their organisation’s Management Board and to the relevant central ombudsmen. These persons will then be bound by the obligation of professional secrecy.

§ 10 Collaboration organisation

Pursuant to § 4, collaboration takes place at multiple levels. The conditions for trade union members (with regard to time, etc. allotted for the assignment) are governed by the Act (1974:358) on the Position of Trade Union Representatives in the Workplace.

Reduced working hours for trade union members in the School Staff Collaboration Groups and Local Staff Collaboration Groups are described in Annex 4.

10.1. Central Staff Collaboration Group (CSG)

CSG has a comprehensive and coordinating function for all staff collaboration pursuant to the agreement.

Case management

  • KTH-wide operational, work environment and JML issues.
  • Collaboration prior to decisions by the President and prior to decisions taken by the Faculty Board or equivalent collegial body.


Employers’ representatives, one of whom acts as chairperson. Employee representatives from the employee organisations with whom KTH has collective agreements, as well as a chief safety officer.

Rules of procedure

The frequency of meetings is bi-weekly during the semester, and meetings are documented with adjusted minutes.

The joint preparatory committees set up by CSG for various subject areas participate in thematic meetings set out in the annexes. This does not apply to the Human Resources Planning Committee and the Safety Committee.

10.1.a. Human Resources Planning Committee (Personalplaneringskommitté, PPK)

The Human Resources Planning Committee handles MBL negotiations in individual cases.

Case management

Redundancy cases, relocation investigations and decisions within the context of local adjustment funds.


Six employer representatives, one of whom is the Head of Human Resources (who also acts as chairperson). A total of six employee representatives from the employee organisations with whom KTH has collective agreements.

Rules of procedure

The frequency of the meetings is every two weeks during the semester. The meetings are documented through signed memos. In MBL negotiations, special minutes are written.

10.1.b. Safety Committee

The Safety Committee shall participate in the planning of the work environment at KTH and follow the implementation of this work.

Case management

The Safety Committee shall closely monitor developments in issues related to protection against ill health and accidents, and shall work to ensure satisfactory working conditions.


The Central Collaboration Group, all of KTH’s chief safety officers, and student representatives.

Rules of procedure

The frequency of meetings is twice per semester. The meetings are documented in adjusted minutes.

10.1.c. Joint preparatory committees

In addition, CSG decides on and appoints joint preparatory committees for various subject areas. These are directly subordinate to CSG. CSG decides on the work orientation, composition and rules of procedure of the preparatory committees. The employer and the employees’ parties appoint their respective members. The chairperson is appointed by the employer.

10.2. School Collaboration Group (Skolsamverkansgrupp, SSG)

A School Collaboration Group shall exist at each school/equivalent.

Case management

Case management in the School Collaboration Groups (Skolsamverkansgrupp, SSG) is described in Annex 1: Case management in SSG and LSG.


At least two employer representatives, one of whom is the Head of School (who also acts as chairperson).

Employee representatives, the number of which is agreed on between the parties. If none of these are chief safety officers, the chief safety officer shall also be included. In the absence of a chief safety officer, a local safety officer shall be included.

Rules of procedure

The frequency of meetings shall normally be once a month during the semester, with a minimum of four meetings per semester. These meetings shall precede the meetings of the management team or equivalent body, and shall be documented in adjusted minutes.

10.3. Local Staff Collaboration Group (LSG)

Local staff liaison group shall be present at each department/equivalent, where the Head of School has delegated to the head of department/equivalent to decide on certain matters.

Case management

Case management in Staff Collaboration Groups is described in Annex 1: Case management in SSG and LSG.


Two employer representatives, one of whom is the Head of School/equivalent (who also acts as chairperson). Employee representatives, the number of which is agreed on between the parties. If none of these are safety officers, a safety officer shall also be included.

Rules of procedure

The frequency of meetings is four times per semester. The meetings are documented in adjusted minutes.

10.4. Workplace Meetings (Arbetsplatsträff, APT)

Staff collaboration between employees in a working group and their immediate superior/manager.

Case management

Case management is described in Annex 2: Implementation of workplace meetings.


All employees in the working group.

Rules of procedure

Workplace meetings shall be held regularly, at least once a month during the semester.

10.5. Performance appraisals

Collaboration between individual employees and managers through planned conversations.

Case management

A dialogue for which both the manager and the employee are well-prepared, and which includes follow-up and forward-looking discussion about the employee’s work environment and work situation.

Performance appraisals are described in Annex 3: Collaboration between managers and individuals.

Rules of procedure

Performance appraisals are conducted at least once a year and must be documented.

§ 11 Reconciliation

A reconciliation of this agreement shall be made in CSG once a year, in order to ensure compliance with the intentions of the agreement.

§ 12 Period of validity

The agreement applies from 2018-01-01 and until further notice. Any party may terminate the agreement by providing written notice, with a notice period of three months.