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CMR investigations and registration of accidental exposure

According to the regulations in the document Chemical Hazards in the Work Environment (AFS 2011: 19) section 39, a CMR product may only be used if there is a documented investigation into the possibility of replacement with a less dangerous product.

The CMR investigation must state if it is possible to replace the product. CMR-rated products are listed with the following hazard statements / risk phrases:

H350: May cause cancer

H340: May cause genetic defects

H360: May damage fertility or the unborn child.

The investigation must be completed for all CMR chemicals, regardless of the quantity used. Investigations should involve seeking alternatives from several suppliers. The CMR investigation form can be downloaded here: Investigation for CMR chemicals (docx 55 kB) .

If there is no alternative to the CMR product, a risk assessment must always be completed prior to use. The KLARA risk assessment module, identifies if any of the chemicals in your protocol are CMR chemicals. In addition, the following information must be included in your risk assessment:

  • Where will the CMR chemical be used?
  • What protective measures are necessary to ensure minimal exposure?
  • In what situations is personal protective equipment required?
  • How the operation and function of equipment, processes or ventilation shall be monitored in order to detect early deviations?

Registration of accidental exposure

According to AFS 2011:19 § 41 the employer must keep a register of employees that have been accidentally exposed to CMR chemicals. This includes chemicals with the following hazard markings.

  • H340: May cause cancer
  • H350: May cause genetic defects
  • H360: May damage fertility or the unborn child

Contents of the register

  • Name and personal number
  • Work tasks
  • The sourse of exposure
  • Estimated exposure level

The register must be stored for 40 years. Use the following form to record an accidental exposure and send it to