Chemical and Biological Safety and Education
When you work in a laboratory at KTH, it is important that you know which safety rules apply and where you can turn with your questions. All employees who work in labs need to take a safety course, which you can sign up for below.
Course in Lab Safety
Register for KTH’s three hour lab safety course at the link below. The course is offered by KTH’s Safety Specialist in biological and chemical risks, Annie Inman.
The following topics are included in the course:
- An introduction to lab safety at KTH
- Using KTH’s chemical inventory system KLARA
- The risk assessment of chemicals in KLARA
- Risk assessing biological material
- Working with allergy causing chemicals
The course module covering allergy causing chemicals meets the requirement for education for those working with these chemicals. Following the course you will be given a certificate of participation.
Course Dates
Monday, 7 April, 2025 9:00am-12:00pm
Monday, 5 May, 2025 9:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday, 11 June, 2025 9:00am-12:00pm
At Teknikringen 1, Kurslokalen, room 5713.
Register for the lab safety course
Guidelines and Information
Complete risk assessments, signed by your supervisor and saved in the KLARA system prior to beginning any procedure in the lab. Information on how to perform a risk assessment (pdf 348 kB) . The risk assessment form (docx 19 kB) .
Complete CMR investigations prior to using CMR chemicals
Follow the procedures for the handling of chemicals and waste at your school.
Report risks and incidents in the workplace through KTH’s IA system. Reporting near misses, risks and occupational injuries|KTH
Contact your schools contact person if you would like to work with radioactive sources.
For information regarding research related ethical permissions please contact Amena Archer .
Contact the KTH's Safety Specialist in biological and chemical risks
- If you plan to introduce a new biorisk to your lab place the risk assessment for biorisks (docx 544 kB) . All notifications regarding work with biological risks must be submitted by KTH’s Safety Specialist in biological and chemical risks.
- If you need to purchase a chemical that requires a permit.
Central Administrative Contacts for all of KTH
KTH's Safety Specialists:
Radiation safety: (Annie Inman, )
Fire safety: (Erik Svärd, )
Biological and chemical safety: (Annie Inman, )
KTH's Central System Administrator for KLARA
(Cecilia Uppström, )
School/Site specific Contacts
The Lab Safety Coordinators:
SciLifeLab: (Sara Diaz, )
CBH School: Natalya Ivchenko ( )
Contact Persons:
KLARA administrators: KLARA - web-based chemical management system
Contact persons for radiation safety: Radiation safety|KTH
Contact persons for fire safety: Fire safety at KTH