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Safety and systematic fire safety work (SFS) when organising an event

The organiser must strive to achieve a good level of safety during the event, take action in the event of deviations and terminate the event if the opposite prevails. Support and advice for this is provided by KTH security and security guards.

Safety and systematic fire safety work (SFS)

The organiser must strive to achieve a good level of safety during the event, take action in the event of deviations and terminate the event if the opposite prevails. Support and advice for this is provided by KTH security and security guards.

Safety officer

The party coordinator is the safety officer for a conventional party and for as long as the nature of the event permits it, with the exception of events with a special permit where special requirements have been formulated for the safety officer.

The safety officer must establish safety procedures and designate the safety functions necessary for the event in accordance with the permit. The safety officer is also the person who must be available in the event of unforeseen situations, and communicate with KTH, the security company’s staff and, where appropriate, the security guard and the police, ambulance and fire service. The party coordinator/safety officer must have completed KTH’s course on safety and fire at student events and parties; the course must not be more than five years old.

Safety Plan

For conventional events and parties in chapter premises, the chapter must draw up and maintain a general plan. For other events and parties, the plan must reflect the organisation that specific event requires. The plan must specify who is the safety officer, fire safety officer and evacuation leader, the organisation’s alarm instructions and how to communicate internally and externally. The plan must link in to the KTH and THS security and crisis organisation.

Entrance host

The entrance host must make sure that procedures for security are observed at the entrance, that the situation is orderly at and around the entrance and, if relevant, in the queue. The identity of the entrance host must be clearly visually evident to guests and, where applicable to KTH, the security company’s staff and others.

Security staff

KTH has agreements with security companies whose security staff perform local surveillance, respond to alarms and perform basic services at KTH Campus and Campus Kista. The surveillance areas are staffed every day of the year. Their duties include visiting events in chapter premises or wherever they are being held, following up on internal controls, permits for events and parties, as well as order and security at the venue. Security staff offer advice and can make simple decisions on measures that the organiser must comply with.

In the event that safety cannot be guaranteed in the premises, security guards are authorised to terminate an event and, in cases where the situation requires it, to evacuate the premises.

Security guard

Depending on whether the event/party requires a permit from the police or the licensing authority, or an existing permit is extended, the police authority can make a decision on a security guard. The number of security guards is specified in the decision and the organiser must comply with this.

Security guards can be obtained from KTH through a framework agreement with the security provider. Security guards have limited police powers and are allowed to take into custody persons who are intoxicated or are behaving in a disruptive manner in a public place. Security guards are trained and appointed by the police, who also perform supervision.

Security guards report to the Police Authority and are obliged to obey the police’s orders in relation to the role of security guard. Security guards have an obligation to report to the police and must submit a report whenever they become aware of crimes.

Systematic fire safety work

Responsibility for fire safety rests with the organiser/permit holder, which means that there must be an active fire safety organisation at each event. The organisation must include a fire safety officer and an evacuation leader to the extent required by the event.

Internal control - fire

The organiser must draw up a procedure for internal control in order to prevent the occurrence of a fire and to limit its consequences. To support this, the checklist for internal control of fire must be reviewed before each concession and be available to present to security guards in connection with an inspection. Deviations arising after the internal control must be rectified before the event starts. Security guards have the task of following up on internal control at the venue and providing recommendations to the chapter for measures in cases where there are deficiencies.

Fire safety

The preconditions for fire safety and evacuation are designed for the operations performed in the premises. Any change to the layout of the premises or loose furnishings can result in fire safety being insufficient, and for this reason any change in the premises must be approved by KTH.

Technical fire safety measures in the chapter premises always consist as a minimum of an evacuation alarm and hand-held fire extinguishers (foam). The design of the evacuation alarm may differ between premises, it is therefore necessary to always make sure how it works in the premises where the activities take place, as the function determined the safety conditions.

The technical fire safety measures must never be changed, evacuation alarms may only be operated by approved system attendants, hand-held fire extinguishers or other technical equipment must not be affected. Smoke machines are not permitted on KTH’s premises. In the event of any deviations, the event must stop until function has been restored.

Number of people

The maximum number of people allowed is determined by the evacuation conditions, as well as the operational class according to the fire safety description, which is displayed on the signage in the premises.

The permitted number of persons at each arrangement is governed by the event and must be assessed based on, among other things, the correlation between the number of persons in the premises, the design of the premises, any props (furniture, loose furnishings, etc.), the evacuation conditions and whether the people visiting the premises are familiar with them.

Fire safety officer

At events and parties, the organiser must appoint a fire safety officer who, before and during the event/party, follows up on fire safety and makes sure that the premises retain their layout. In fire and evacuation situations, the fire safety officer communicates with KTH, the security company’s staff and the fire service.

The fire safety officer can, if it is deemed appropriate, be the “party coordinator” or the person responsible for the serving of alcohol, but never the evacuation leader. The identity of the fire safety officer must be clearly visually evident to guests and, where applicable to KTH, the security company’s staff and others. The fire safety officer must have completed KTH’s course on safety and fire at student events and parties; the course must not be more than five years old.

Evacuation leader

Evacuation managers must have good local knowledge and familiarity with all evacuation routes and the chapter’s assembly point. The evacuation leader must make sure, well in advance of the event, that evacuation routes are unobstructed and evacuation doors are working. Deviations are notified immediately to the fire safety officer and rectified.

The evacuation leader initiates an evacuation and guides guests to the assembly point, and informs the chapter’s fire safety officer at the assembly point. The evacuation leader must arrange for a high-visibility jacket to be within reach. The evacuation leader can, if it is deemed appropriate, be the “party coordinator”, the entrance host or the person responsible for the serving of alcohol, but never the fire safety officer. The evacuation leader must have completed KTH’s course on safety and fire at student events and parties; the course must not be more than five years old.

See also:
Students and parties at KTH
Outdoor events and parties

School- and Campus-specific instructions

Instructions outside of this are referred to the relevant contact person.

Campus Kista, Group Leader Infrastructure Karolin Södertun-Zeghbi,
tel. +46 8 790 67 65, Email:
Campus Telge, Operations Manager Jessica Matz Hammarlund,
tel.: +46 8 790 94 95, Email:
Campus Flemingsberg, Intendent Mikael Öhlander Kjaernes,
tel. +46 8 790 99 95, Email:


Checklist - Application for student gathering Form archive (Ansökan om sammankomst student)
Checklist - Internal control - fire Form archive (Checklista egenkontroll brand inför fest och event)


SOS Alarm

112 - emergency number in case of danger to life, property or the environment

114 14 - Police number for non-emergency incidents

1177 - healthcare advice


+46 8 790 77 00 - KTH’s emergency number to provide information about danger to life, property or the environment, crime in progress or other urgent incidents, and KTH’s crisis management group. Also used for non-emergency matters to contact the campus security guards.  - KTH Head of Security, for strategic and operational security issues. - various security issues such as keys, locks and perimeter protection, surveillance and security-related issues.  – application for a party.  - all relevant issues relating to premises. - access card matters and openings/closures of booked rooms.  – caretaker services.

Akademiska Hus (AH)

+46 10 557 24 00 – notification of building-related or operational faults (electricity, heating, water and ventilation, etc.).
+46 76 835 74 14 – right-of-use issues, property administrator.