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Checklist in event planning

On this page, you who are responsible for events at KTH will find a checklist that must always be reviewed before events are held. The event organizer is obligated to ensure good safety during the event, take action in case of deviations, and, if necessary, make the decision to cancel the event.

The person responsible for safety is appointed

Typically, the party organiser is also the person responsible for safety at the event, but there are also events with special permits where specific requirements for the safety officer are outlined. The safety officer establishes necessary procedures and appoints functions. The responsible person should also communicate with KTH and coordinated security functions.

A safety plan is developed

The plan should specify who is responsible for safety, fire safety, and evacuation. The organisation’s alarm instructions and internal and external communication should also be outlined.

An entrance host is appointed

The entrance host is responsible for maintaining order near the entrance and in any queues. It should be clearly stated who the entrance host is.

The need for security guards has been assessed

In some cases, the Police Authority may decide that an event requires security guards. Security guards can be obtained from KTH through a framework agreement.

There is a fire safety organisation

The event organiser is responsible for ensuring there is an active fire safety organisation. This includes appointing a fire safety officer and evacuation leader. A fire checklist for self-inspection can be found in the forms archive and must be reviewed before each event.

The maximum number of people is assessed

The allowed number of people for each event is determined by the event and should be assessed based on factors such as the number of people in the room, the room’s design, any props (furniture, loose decorations, etc.), evacuation conditions, and whether the people present are familiar with the venue.

Is the event going to be held outdoors?

For events held outdoors, there are some additional considerations:

  • Lease Agreement: For outdoor events, a lease agreement is required, which can be obtained from KTH's safety department.

  • Permits and approvals: The organizer must have permission from KTH and approval from the property owner.

  • Contact with landowners: Check the campus-specific instructions and contact the relevant landowners.

  • Sound levels at events: The organizer is responsible for ensuring that the sound levels comply with the guidelines from the Public Health Agency and are monitored during the event.

  • Security supervision: Security personnel can monitor sound levels if there is a suspicion that limits have been exceeded.

  • Exam periods: Special consideration should be given to music playing during exam and re-exam periods.

  • Contact with KTH Security: For larger events, contact KTH Safety and Security Department (SSD) at least 15 working days in advance.

  • Grilling: Check for fire bans before grilling. Grilling is not allowed at Osquarsbacke or Borggården.

  • Grilling Checklist: Follow the "Grilling Checklist" and ensure firefighting equipment is near the grill.

  • Disposable Grills: Disposable grills are not allowed on KTH's premises.