Student welfare security
Student welfare security at KTH work to prevent injuries and harmful incidents, as well as to ensure the safety of students on campus, during studies, and at events.
KTH collaborates with THS and section leaders to:
Educate about risks and preventive measures
Coordinate preventive physical security measures (fire and alarms)
Handle incidents
Conduct training required for permits
Administer permits
Provide support in event planning
On these pages, you who are responsible for or involved in the planning and execution of student events will find guidance on how the work is structured, what to keep in mind, and who to contact if you have any questions.
Under "Applications," you'll find materials and guidance on how to make applications. Under "Checklists," there's support on what you, as the event manager, should consider when organizing. Under "Permits," you will find different types of permits that may be needed for your work.