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CBH information regarding the Corona virus

Published Feb 03, 2020

Currently, there is no general KTH recommendation regarding the spreading of the Corona virus. It is therefore up to each manager at the school to decide on preventive measures, possibly in consultation with the Head of school.

The CBH school management keeps a close eye on KTH's guidelines and recommendations concerning the handling of the Corona virus. For questions and reflections, please feel free to contact Head of school Mikael Lindström  or the school's crisis management group .

Some advice to you as manager

Contact incoming co-workers

Contact eventual co-workers who are returning to the workplace from China to find out how they are feeling. Co-workers experiencing symptoms in airways and/or fever shall report themselves sick and immediately contact healthcare via telephone for guidance. Please feel free to consult 1177 Vårdguiden  for clear instructions on how to contact healthcare in a safe and secure way.

Decision on working from home

As an employer, for work environment reasons you can also order incoming co-workers to work from home for 10-14 days, even though they are not sick or show symptoms.

Take concern seriously

Take concern from co-workers seriously. Try holding an open dialogue at the workplace, in order to listen to co-workers on home ground. Is there any concern for contamination etc?

If co-workers are planning to travel to China within a short time

Follow updated information from UD  (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and Folkhälsomyndigheten (The Public Health Agency of Sweden). Currently, UD advises against all nonessential travel to the Hubei province in China and the information is updated constantly.

If you are expecting visitors from China

If your workplace is about to welcome visitors from China and there is concern among your co-workers, take the concern seriously. Consider whether there are others ways of meeting. Perhaps you can meet digitally or postpone the meeting to a later date.

Keep yourself updated

Follow updated information from CBH and KTH via e.g. intranet, newsletters and email. Feel free to contact the school's crisis management group  or Head of school  in case of further reflections.

Useful links:

UD's (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs) homepage

Folkhälsomyndigheten's (The Public Health Agency of Sweden) homepage

1177 Vårdguiden

CBH's intranet

KTH's intranet