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Elsa Berlin – student representative but already a veteran

Meet the faculty board members

Smiling woman with a scarf.
Elsa Berlin, student member of the CBH school's faculty board. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
Published Apr 09, 2024

In January 2024, school faculty boards were introduced at KTH. A few months have passed and the boards have started working properly. Elsa Berlin represents the students in the Faculty Board of the CBH School and is the youngest member of the board – but of all the members, she might have most experience from elected positions.

Why did you decide to stand as a representative?

“Ever since I was a child, I have been passionate about education and have wanted to influence my education. Therefore, it was natural for me to stand as a student representative!”

“I am also a representative in CBH's management group and both assignments have taught me a lot about how KTH and the academy work, and it is interesting to be involved in the discussion of important strategic issues. It also feels rewarding to be able to contribute with the student perspective,” says Elsa Berlin.

How has the committee worked so far?

“I think the work has started well! Of course, there is still some work for the Board to do when it comes to designing its working methods and finding its place in the new structure that the introduction of the Board entails. I am satisfied with the composition of the Faculty Board, where there is a clear range of perspectives and experiences, which feels valuable."

What issues are you talking about right now?

“As always, the economy is high on the agenda. KTH is in a tough financial situation and the coming years will be a challenge. In addition, a new resource allocation system for GRU funds and a new internal pricing of the premises will be introduced, so we will see how it turns out. The role and mission of the Faculty Board is of course also something we discuss a lot.”

Who are you and what do you do when you are not on the board?

“I started studying biotechnology at KTH in 2020 and am now in my first year of the master's programme in industrial and environmental biotechnology. I have previously served two years as chairman of the Chemistry Section and am now the School Council Chairman at CBH. I also sit on the board of the Swedish National Union of Students,” says Elsa Berlin.

Text and image: Jon Lindhe

About the School Faculty Boards

Faculty Boards are the schools' bodies for collegial influence and decision-making. Each school must have a Faculty Board consisting of the Head of School as chair, six teacher members, one of whom is the vice-chair, two external members and two student members.

CBH Faculty Board