Don't forget your vacation and wellness subsidy
Diving, dancing or bowling? The year end approaches and many of us have wellness subsidy left to use for 2019. Via "KTH for me" you can see how much you have left. Before the year end it is also good to check your "vacation account".
For a whole year employee, the wellness subsidy is SEK 3 000. You can use the money to buy directly from the providers via the web page . An alternative is to make a disbursement to another wellnes provider and receive a reimbursement via receipt.
You may read more about activities approved for wellness subsidy on KTH for me . Chorus at work, massage, climbing, gym, boule, budo/martial arts, bowling, dancing and diving are some possible activities.
Time for vacation
Before the year end, it is also good to check your "vacation account". Those who have the form method report vacation via the self-reporting system and can save vacation days. At least Minst 20 vacation days have to be used and a maximum of 30 days in total can be saved (this year's plus eventual previously saved vacation).
Those who have the pattern method cannot save any vacation days for the next year. Instead, vacation is taken out in consultation with teh immediate superior. Days which have not been used therefore become expired, but holiday allowance is paid for the vacation days you are entitled to during the year.