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Faculty Board EECS

The Faculty Board at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) is the school's body for collegial influence and decision-making. The Faculty Board consists of the head of school as chair, six teacher representatives, one of whom is the vice-chair, two external representatives and two student representatives. The term of office for Faculty Boards is from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2026.

About the Faculty Board

Meetings and meeting minutes

The Faculty Board usually meets once a month.

EECS Faculty Board meeting times

EECS Faculty Board's meeting minutes (Swedish)

Participants of the Faculty Board


Ann Lantz
Ann Lantz professor

Deputy Chair

Joakim Jaldén
Joakim Jaldén professor


Cyrille Artho
Cyrille Artho associate professor
Kristina Höök
Kristina Höök professor
Hedvig Kjellström
Hedvig Kjellström professor
Bo Peng
Bo Peng associate professor
Ingo Sander
Ingo Sander professor

External members

  • Ambra Sannino, Vattenfall.
  • Hanifeh Khayyeri, RISE.

Doctoral student representatives

Jura Miniota
Jura Miniota doctoral student

Student representatives


Representatives appointed by the employees’ organisations

Alexander Baltatzis
Alexander Baltatzis lecturer
Monica Åkerström
Monica Åkerström administrator