Fire and flammable goods
Below is a list of fire protection officers and responsibles for flammable and explosive goods at EECS.
Security coordinator at EECS:
Fire protection officer at Electrum:
Fire protection officer at the Electrum Laboratory:
Fire protection officer at Lindstedtsvägen 3-5, Lindstedtsvägen 7:
Fire protection officer at Lindstedtsvägen 24:
Fire protection officer at PDC Center for High Performance Computing:
Fire protection officer at Teknikringen 14, RPL:
Fire protection officer at Teknikringen 29-33:
Fire protection officer at Malvinas väg 10:
Flammable and explosive goods
Responsible for handling flammable and explosive goods at Electrum, Kista:
Responsible for handling flammable and explosive goods at KTH Campus, Teknikringen 31-33:
Responsible for handling flammable and explosive goods at KTH Campus, Malvinas väg 10: