Your profile page
Profile pages are among KTH's most visited web pages. It is often the top result when someone googles your name. The profile page is the place to describe yourself and your work, both for external parties and employees at KTH.
KTH's profile pages have a variety of features, for example a text field for a personal presentation with images and/or videos as well as portfolio pages where projects can be described in-depth.
Tips for your profile
- Use a profile picture. EECS arranges staff photography every third month .
- Write an overall text focusing on your research area. Don't forget to mention the significant impact of your work.
- Present yourself towards the end of the text, and include data such as when and where you got your master degree, doctoral degree and postdoc.
- Add hashtags at the bottom of your page - this will increase your hit-rate in search engines such as Google.
- Add subpages, known as portfolio pages, for deeper information about a specific topic, for example a research project.
- Activate your research ID's to make it appear at the top of the page.
- Activate the link to your publications.
- Activate the link to your courses.