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Project grants

The Foundation supports projects with high scientific potential. Projects should generally be of a basic science nature and focused on a coherent research question, where the complementary competencies of the participating scientists allow new possibilities to approach the chosen research question. Projects usually have a budget of SEK 15–40 million, lasting three to five years.

Following KAW guidelines, KTH will conduct its own initial prioritisation and selection of candidates. An internal pre-proposal must be submitted to the Research Support Office  no later than 13 September 2025.

Instructions for the pre-proposal (pdf 161 kB)

Priority to fully completed applications will be made by a panel consisting of representatives from the faculty, led by the Vice President for Research. This panel of experts is appointed by the Dean of the faculty in consultation with KTH’s Faculty Council, and is tasked with preparing a priority list of candidates for the President.

Application period: 7 January 2026 until 1 February 2026.
The call is open every second year. KTH can nominate 10 researchers.

Read more about the call for project grants