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Recommendations and tips for digital meetings

What can I do to ensure a successful webinar? Here are a few recommendations and tips for conducting webinars.

Prepare your meeting

Ensure you are as prepared as possible before the meeting. Have the material ready. Will you be sharing a screen? Have PowerPoint, video, or web pages ready. Meeting with participants in other parts of the world? Think about what the time it will be at their place when choosing the time for the webinar.

Clear instructions for participants

Be clear in your instructions to participants/students about what will happen during the webinar and what is expected of them. Prepared participants are important to the success of the meeting. Send the instructions a day before and/or with link to guides on the web.Will the meeting/seminar also be recorded? Inform attendees of this in advance and remind them of it again before the meeting starts.

Useful functions in Zoom

Meeting Checklist

Behind the link below, you will find some general tips and questions to ask yourself as a meeting organizer in preparation for the video conference.

Meeting Checklist

Common issues during web meetings

Chopping audio

Cause: Depends on weak wireless network (when possible use fixed network).


1. Turn off the camera.

2. Cancel and reconnect to the meeting.

3. Call the meeting with your phone (all KTH's meeting solutions have a phone number you can call).


Cause: The microphone is too close to the speakers (common on laptops).


1. Use headset.

2. Mute your microphone when you are not speaking.

Video is pixelated

Cause: Due to weak wireless network.

Solution: Connect to a fixed network.

Unclear picture / dark image

Cause: The light comes from behind eg person has a window behind him/her or a lack of lighting in rooms.

Solution: Make sure the light comes from the front, check the camera image before connecting and adjusting.

Advice for purchase

Cameras and Microphones for computers

To have a videoconference on your computer you need a camera. The built in camera on a laptop will normally work with most webmeeting softwares. For other recommended cameras and microphones (tested on both Windows and Mac OS) check the links below.

Additional equipment for Zoom and hybrid rooms

High-Definition Video Conference System

Your requirements and prospects to connect devices determine your purchase.

  • How many people will participate simultaneously from your side?
  • Do you need to present the video conferance on multiple screens?
  • What sources do you need to connect, computer, document camera, extra camera, etc?

If you need help with these questions above and more, do not hesitate to e-mail KTH-IT-Support