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Salaries for non-employed (arvode)

Hourly salary amount

KTH and the unions   have negotiated and decided the hourly salary amount concerning non-KTH employees (arvodister). Previously, the amounts have been recommendations, but from 1 July 2016 the amounts are mandatory.

Link to hourly salary amount

Notification of salary for Members of the grading board , expert and opponent

To notification of salary

Salaries and travel expenses for guest (non-employed)

Head of Department/ other responsible person provides the following information to the HR Administrator:

  • Information about whether the person should have travel allowance, salary etc.
  • Project number
  • Details regarding the guests mission

From the guest:

Send to:

Physics and Applied Physics:
AlbaNova University Center
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Susanna Elfving Blomster, Physics
Roslagstullsbacken 21
SE-106 91 Stockholm

KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Ann-Britt Isaksson Öhman, Mathematics
Lindstedtsvägen 25
SE-100 44 Stockholm

Engineering Mechanics:
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
TR8 Administration
Teknikringen 8
SE-100 44 Stockholm

SINK tax application

Next step is that the HR Administrator applies for SINK tax at the Swedish Tax Agency. They need to receive the information well in advance as the processing time takes around 6-8 weeks.

Details about the SINK tax
KTH assists with applications for special income tax for non-residents, so-called SINK for non-residents staying in Sweden for less than six months.
KTH submits the SINK application to the Swedish Tax Agency, together with a copy of the guests valid passport. If the application is granted, the guest pays 20% in tax and does not have to submit a self-declaration in Sweden. Please note that the person can not claim any additional tax deductions.

Salaries and travel expenses for guest with Swedish social security number (non-employed)

The following information is required from the guest:

  • Name
  • Social security number
  • Address
  • All original receipts

Blankett Utbetalning av timlön/ersättning (doc 351 kB)   should be used for payment of salary. Original travel documents including a summary of costs to be submitted to the HR administrator.

Payment is made 2 times per month, around the 10th and the 25th.

If the guest only has a travel expense request and no other compensation request, it is recommended that the guests home university pay for the travel expense and then bills KTH.