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Here are some tips on how to think about group work so that it becomes instructive, inclusive and fair.

  • The formation of groups that are heterogeneous or homogeneous should be assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on the specific student group and taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of one or the other composition.
  • If you want heterogeneous groups, it may be better for you as a teacher to create the groups. In this way, different characteristics among the group members can be taken into account. It can also be part of a task for students to consciously form groups that are heterogeneous. Otherwise, one tends to choose to group with people who are similar to oneself.
  • Avoid forming groups with only one woman in, except if women themselves have expressed the desire to be in a certain group or if it takes place after an in-depth joint discussion within the course.
  • Give an introduction to group work / group dynamics / group processes to draw students' attention to common problems and make it clear that you want any problems in the group to be reported.
  • Make sure that the different roles in the group are chosen from the beginning, and that there is a structure for the group members to rotate these roles and spend the same amount of time in all roles. In this way, students have the opportunity to train different abilities and prepare for working life.
  • You can ask the students to report their individual contributions to the group project so that everyone will receive full recognition for their work.
  • You as a teacher should be present and involved in the group work process throughout the project. By creating a space where students feel comfortable discussing problems, unequal roles within the group can be detected and adjusted early in the process.
  • As for the project topics, consider whether they are more or less interesting for different groups of students.

Source: Beddoes, K., Panther, G., Cutler, S., and Kappers, W. (2016). Training And Resources for Gender Inclusive Groupwork (TARGIT). []