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Möbius for examination

Möbius is an advanced quiz /task application. In Möbius you can design tasks, which are generated algorithmically. This means that the questions can contain variables, with the result that different students get different input values. This is done by using the Möbius or Maple syntax to create the data.

When to use Möbius as examining tool?

Möbius' great strength lies in the tool's ability to support tasks where numerical calculations are an important factor. The ability to vary the tasks includes the possibility to dynamically change the formulation of the assignment based on the student's previous answers. This allows you to effectively use Möbius in a variety of mathematics-heavy courses, and also to provide digital examinations. Use Möbius if you do need support to evaluate answers that contain numerical calculations or if you need more possibilities to randomize questions and variables than Canvas quizzes can offer.

How do you use Möbius as examining tool?

If you are planning to use Möbius for the first time, we recommend that you follow the instructions on the Möbius introduction  page. At the bottom of that page there are also good links for the more experienced Möbius user. To arrange so that Möbius can be used for examinations, you need to contact , they will then create the integration between Möbius and the correct Canvas course or examination room.

Using Möbius in an examination room in Canvas

If you want to use Möbius in your examination room, please contact  for integration to the examination room. Announce which course is to be examined and the examining assignment name in Möbius.

Using Möbius with examination of multiple courses

If you plan to use Möbius for examinations on more than one occasion or for several of your courses (eg TENA and TENB), you can connect them both to the same Möbius class. Contact  for integration between Möbius and Canvas. To make the process clearer, use the name of the examination rooms for the assignment name in Möbius (e.g. “Tentamen för XX1234 TEN1: 2021-01-11”).

Extended writing time must be set in both Möbius and Canvas

In order for students with support from Funka to get the writing time they are entitled to, it needs to be set in both Möbius and Canvas. In Möbius, you set extended writing time for specific students under "Proctor Tools".

Watch KTH's instructional video on how to add Student Time Extensions (