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Möbius introduction

Möbius is an external tool that is recommended when you want to create assignments where numerical calculations are an important factor. Möbius gives you, among other things, the opportunity to evaluate answers that contain numerical calculations, to dynamically change the formulation of the assignment based on the student's previous answers and also gives greater opportunities to randomize variables and questions than Canvas quizzes can offer.

General information

Möbius is an external tool for creating student related material in different formats and for different purposes, such as assignments, quizzes, slide shows, information pages, tasks for the students to practice and examining tasks. Möbius assignments can be linked directly to Canvas or given access via a class page where teachers also can handle messages to students and link to grades. Points from Möbius assignments are sent directly to the Canvas Gradebook. Teachers gets their own login to Möbius to build and manage tasks and quizzes, but the students gets access through Canvas and therefore do not need a separate login.

The program is based on Maple numeric computing environment, so it can handle more advanced calculations than Canvas and the opportunities in how tasks are designed are greater than in Canvas. Möbius also requires the user, the teacher, to be considerably more used to using a computer.

Should I use Möbius?

It takes time to learn Möbius, of which if Canvas covers your needs, it is Canvas that we recommend. To determine if Möbius is right for your course, please look at the links below:

How to get started with Möbius

Learning Möbius takes time, but you are always welcome to ask questions and get help from IT support.

Where to start:

  1. Evaluate if you need Möbius or if Canvas quizzes have the functions you are looking for.
    Look at the links under the heading "Should I use Möbius?".
  2. Look around in Möbius demo course , no login is required.
  3. Create an account by contacting .
    Let us know which course (s) you wish to use Möbius in and approximately how you intend to use it and we will help you start up a good basic structure.
  4.   Watch KTH's instructional videos for how to work in Möbius ( .
  5. If you need further support or guidance, contact .

Help students get started with Möbius

When you have chosen to use Möbius in your course, it is recommended that you share the following video material with the students to help them get started with Möbius.

Information and guide material about Möbius on the student web .

Further information

Möbius is procured at KTH with a fixed number of user licenses, and therefore it's not automatically available for everyone. The number of licenses is flexible, and if we will find ourselves in a place where the demand is high, the count will be increased.