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"Lunch n´learn"

Get a free sandwich and learn more about Canvas at "Lunch n´ learn" !

Published May 02, 2018

Teacher support/e-learning are now launching a new concept, "Lunch n´ learn", for those who want to learn more about digital tools for example Canvas.

"Lunch n´ learn" will be held in "Sydöstra Galleriet", The Library at KTH. The seminars are also streamed and recorded so you can watch whenever you want, wherever you are.

Please note that the seminars will be held in Swedish.

First seminar is on Wednesday 16 May at. 12:15-13: "Most Common Questions to Teacher Support". We list the most common questions and answers we receive from our teachers. Access to courses for different types of students / teachers, course offerings and course evaluations, and so on. Registration by May 10th.

The sandwich and drink is served from 12 and the seminar take place between 12:15-13.
Read more and register:

Hope to see you!
/Teacher Support/elearning.