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2023: E-learning in figures

Here you can find numbers and statistics for 2023 usage of the systems that are maintained by the e-learning maintenance object. The e-learning management object is continuously using data driven development and the figures presented here are only a selection of the data that decisions are based upon.

Course rooms in Canvas

Course rooms in Canvas are created automatically for every course run and it is the teacher of the course that actively has to choose to publish the course room and make it available for the students.

The statistics are divided into the number of course rooms that are created, published and contentfull. "Contentfull" indicates courses where the sum of the number of assignments, modules and quizzes are more than 3.

Table: course rooms in Canvas per school

School Created Published Contentfull
ABE 1231 467 340
CBH 1189 338 213
EECS 1039 455 312
ITM 1464 570 432
SCI 1123 395 201

Diagram: course rooms in Canvas per school

Bar diagram showing the number of created, published and contentfull course rooms per schoo.

Course surveys (LEQ)

Students must be given the possibility to give their feedback and suggestions on the course design and implementation. Course surveys using LEQ are created on the initiative from the teachers in the course but they can also perform a survey using pen and paper or other tools for collecting the feedback from the students. 

Total number of course surveys with LEQ: 1033.

The number of course surveys and the response rate is similar to the previous year.

Table: course surveys per school

School Number of surveys Number of survey invitations sent out Response rate %


14382 15.5
CBH 153 9117 15.7
EECS 234 19099 16.9
ITM 257 12961 16.9
SCI 164 13622 13.5

Diagram: course surveys per school

Bar diagram of number of course surveys per school.

Diagram: response rate per school

Combined bar diagram of reponserate (%) and number of survey invitations sent out.

External applications (LTI-apps) in Canvas

KTH provides a number of external applications, known as LTI-apps, as a complement and extension to Canvas. KTH also provides support on a few LTI apps: Kaltura (KTH Play), Möbius, KTH Import exams and KTH Transfer to Ladok.

There are licenses for Möbius, but they must be requested. The remaining applications have been activated when teachers requested them.

Tests were conducted on the Canvas Studio add-on service in 2023 but it was decided not to proceed with it. The data for Canvas Studio is therefore not included in the statistics. Kaltura is not included in the statistics as the data is not available.

The data for KTH Import Exams and KTH Transfer to Ladok are presented in a separate table since they dominate the LTI apps and are better analyzed separately.

Table: courses per school with specific external application activated

School KTH OLI Möbius Peergrade Redirect Snowflake Ted Ed
Vimeo embed Youtube embed
ABE 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4
CHB 0 3 0 3 4 0 1 4
EECS 26 10 12 71 0 0 0 5
ITM 22 63 3 33 9 1 1 9
SCI 0 9 0 17 0 0 0 1

Diagram: courses per school with specific external application activated

These diagrams exclude "KTH Import exams" and "KTH Transfer to Ladok".


Pie chart of LTI's in the ABE school.


Pie chart of LTI's in the CBH school.


Pie chart of LTI's in the SCI school.


Pie chart of LTI's in the EECS school.


Pie chart of LTI's in the ITM school.

Table: courses per school that used KTH Import Exams and KTH Transfer to Ladok

School KTH Import Exams KTH Transfer to Ladok
ABE 69 22
CBH 141 10
EECS 165


ITM 122 53
SCI 228 24

Please note that the data for KTH Transfer to Ladok is limited to autumn 2023 and pilot projects from spring 2023, therefore the figures presented are lower than they are in reality.

Quizzes with Mentimeter

The Mentimeter tool is mainly used to create surveys or quizzes that can be answered online, but can also be used for presentations. The tool is an alternative to so-called clicker questions for distance and hybrid occasions, often used to see if students have understood the content.

Active members: 787.

Number of held quizzes and presentations: 1811.

Number of participants: 30 436.

There is a decline in number of participants and held quizzes and presentations since last year, but there are more active members this year.

Plagiarism checking with Ouriginal

Total documents reviewed: 65 141.

Number of users viewed document: 680.

Ouriginal can be used as a standalone web service as well as an integrated service in Canvas where the assignments are connected to Ouriginal. The figures here apply to both ways but where the documents checked via Canvas make up the majority and is also an increasing number.

The number of reviewed documents is lower than last year, while the number of users has increased.