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New Stockholm trio advanced education courses in spring 2024 at KI for KTH teachers

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Photo: Pixabay
Published Nov 07, 2023

A special agreement applies to advanced education courses within the Stockholm Trio University Alliance, which means that teachers at the three universities have the opportunity to participate in each other's advanced education courses free of charge, subject to availability.

Stockholm Trio advanced courses in Higher education pedagogical development. 

Advanced education courses in higher education pedagogy, resources for pedagogical development and teacher conferences. All this and more when the higher education pedagogical activities within the Stockholm trio university alliance work together to strengthen the development of teaching and support the universities' teachers in their professional development.

Courses to enhance your teaching skills

Right now there are several advanced courses for teachers that you can sign up for the spring term 2024 from KI.

Register and read more here Courses to enhance your teaching skills

Formativ assessment

Course in Swedish
The aim of the course is to support university teachers and supervisors to develop their ability to design and implement formative assessments that support student learning.

  • Course dates between 13 February and 17 April.

Summative assessment

A continuation course with the aim to increase your awareness of how to create summative assessments to measure your students’ learning. The course also aims to stimulate a reflective approach to teaching and learning. The course is aimed at those responsible for or involved in designing assessments.

  • Course dates are between 31 January and 19 April 2024.
  • The course corresponds to two weeks of university studies (80 hours).
  • All lectures/presentations are given in English. Discussions and seminars take place in small groups in English.

Pedagogy for doctoral supervisors

Pedagogy for doctoral supervisors is a continuation of the obligatory introductory course in doctoral supervision, and focuses on learning processes and supervisory pedagogy. The aim of the course is to strengthen and stimulate the ability of participants to create a teaching/learning process that promotes the students growth into an independent researcher. 

  • If the number of eligible applicants exceeds the number of places available, a selection process will take place, in which priority will be given to active supervisors. 
  • Course dates between 30 Jnauary-14 May.

Teaching in the glocal university

An introduction to the main issues surrounding teaching and learning at an international university. The course will enable you to reflect upon your current teaching practices, while gaining a better understanding and appreciation of your students, their backgrounds and needs.

  • Course is given between 12 March-28 May 2024
  • Langugage for the course is English. 

Register and read more here Courses to enhance your teaching skills