Dr. Ruth Graham visits KTH – future engineering education and academic career development in focus

Join Ruth Graham, a renowned educator and consultant in higher education, who will hold two seminars and a Fika Chat podcast during her visit to KTH.
Participate in Dr Graham's activities on 23-24 August 2023
Fika Chat podcast with Ruth Graham and Joakim Lilliesköld
Wednesday 23/8 15.00-15.30 pm – Live in Zoom (click on the link below to get the Zoom link)
Fika Chat with Dr Ruth Graham about the development of engineering education
Seminar on career development for teachers
Wednesday 23/8 at 16.00-17.00 in Salongen at KTH Library, Osquars backe 31
Dr Graham discusses ongoing systemic changes in both the view and status of teaching based on the development of the Advancing Teaching global network, results from the teaching culture survey, presentation of a career development tool and a proposed change plan based on lessons learned from other institutions.
Rewarding and recognising university teaching here (with streaming link)
Lunch seminar – Exploring the future direction for engineering education
Thursday 24/8 12.00-13.00 Digital Futures Hub, Osquars backe 5 /livestream - the first 50 will be invited to a sandwich lunch (first come, first served!).
Dr. Graham discusses the evolution of engineering education based on two reports published before and after the pandemic. Together they provide an international overview of best practices, trends, and the impact of the pandemic on the future of engineering education.
Exploring the future direction for engineering education (with links to Zoom and the reports)