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Student stories: Experiences of pre-recorded video material in teaching

Documentation from Lunch ‘n’ Learn 18 May 2022

Published Jun 03, 2022

A Lunch 'n' Learn with a student panel on experiences of pre-recorded video material in teaching. The team for web conferencing, video and streaming (WVS) presents the technical and pedagogical support in the area, and Kamilla Andersson briefly presents a study conducted by Digital course development (DKU) on students' use of video. The students in the panel talk about their experiences with video and give tips on when it can be good in teaching.

Table of contents for the video (presentation)

Here is a list of links that serve as a table of contents for the recording. Click on the link for the part you want to watch. When you get to KTH Play, click on the play button, and the video will start in the right place. All links lead to KTH Play.

00:40 Information about WVS

02:26 Information about a study from DKU about students' use of video for learning

06:34 Preliminary results from the study

About the presentation


Per Holmgren, media educator, WVS.

Kamilla Andersson, media educator, DKU.

Per Holmgren talks briefly about WVS's operations and the offer available for staff at KTH when it comes to technical and pedagogical support in video management.

Kamilla Andersson from the team Digital course development, DKU, informs about a study conducted on students' use of video for learning. The study will result in tangible, practical information for teachers who want to create digital material for learning that DKU produces. The preliminary results from the study of the students' perception and experiences of video material in teaching are summarised during the webinar.

Table of contents for the video (panel discussion)


Leah Eriksson, student at the degree programme in industrial engineering and management.

Tomas Nordström, student at the degree programme in engineering mathematics.

Celine Helgesson Hallström, student at the master’s programme in machine learning.

Eddie Nevander Hellström, student at the degree programme in engineering mathematics.

After initial introductions, a panel discussion with the participants began. Moderator: Ulrika Nykvist, Digital Learning, KTH.

All links lead to KTH Play.

10:39 The student panel is presented

15:39 The students talk about how they feel that the video material affects their learning

20:28 The students talk about how they study when there is video material available

25:26 The students share what it is that makes video material valuable to them

28:59 The students share what they think of different approaches when it comes to video

34:11 The students talk about how they work with repetition

35:28 The students reflect on how the time with the teacher is affected by the availability of video material

37:01 The students share some of the aspects that make them watch the video material

40:47 The students offer some tips for teachers that want to add more video material to their teaching

About the panel discussion

During the panel discussion, the students talk about their experiences with video material in the teaching; What they have experienced has been good and rewarding, and what has not been as good and rewarding. The students answered questions about how they study and work with video material and how they reason about quality and areas of use for video. The students also give some tips to the teachers about introducing preparatory video material or other material in the teaching based on their experiences.