Before the start of the course – checklist for Canvas
You as a teacher can use this checklist to ensure that you have remembered all the preparations for your course room in Canvas. The checklist is available in web format with explanations and can be downloaded as a PDF without explanations.
The checklist
The bullet points in the checklist can be done in any order, but we recommend that you publish the room last so students only see the finished room.
I have
- cleared out the template texts
- published the course content and any modules
- hidden unnecessary links in the course menu
- linked to the course's course PM
- checked that the structure of the course room is logical and easy to follow
- checked relevant dates
- validated links and updated broken links as needed
- reviewed the course in the student view
- verified that any teaching assistants/TAs have access to the room
- published the course room.
You can also download an interactive version of the checklist:
Checklist before the start of the course (pdf 73 kB)
Explanation of the checklist
Below, the items in the checklist are explained in more detail.
Cleared out the template texts
The course room template contains examples of modules, pages, announcements, and the syllabus. The examples contain explanatory texts written in italics. The texts exist to help you as a teacher; the students have no use for them. If you haven't already deleted them, you should do so now.
If you are interested in the content of the course room template, keep reading on the page KTH's course room template in Canvas .
Published course content and any modules
Students only see materials and modules that are published. Ensure you have published the material you want students to see. Modules must be published for material in them to be visible, even if the material is already published.
Hidden unnecessary links in the course menu
The course menu should only display relevant links to help students navigate. Make sure all visible links in the course menu are visible for good reasons and hide the rest. You can find a guide to this on the page How do I manage Course Navigation links? ( .
Linked to the course's course PM
The information about the implementation of the course must be found in the course PM. Canvas's Syllabus is a good place to add the link to the course's course PM so that students can find it quickly and easily.
According to KTH's guidelines, course PMs should be prepared through existing system support. This means the standardized tool for course information in the course and program catalogue. Read more about Course PM and KTH's standard tools .
Checked that the structure of the course room is logical and easy to follow
The students will navigate the course room based on the structure you have created and the information you give them. Try to make the structure logical and easy to follow for someone who has never been in your course room before. It will make it easier for both you and your students.
Checked relevant dates
Go through and check all submission dates on assignments and quizzes so they match this year's course cycle. Check other important dates for the course, such as lectures or lab sessions.
Validated links and updated broken links as needed
Canvas has a built-in tool to check that all links in the course room are working. It is called validating links. You will find the tool under "Settings" and you will find a guide to the tool on the page How do I validate links in a course? ( .
Reviewed the course in the student view
Check that the course room looks as you envisioned for the students before the course begins, preferably before you publish the course room. The easiest way is to use the student view, which you activate with the "Student's view" button. You will find a guide to the function on the page How do I view a course as a test student using Student View? ( .
Verified that any teaching assistants/TAs have access to the room
You should go to “People” in the course menu and verify that the correct teaching assistants/TAs have been added to the room. You can find instructions on how to add teaching assistants on the page How users are added to Canvas .
Published course room
When you feel ready with your course room, you need to publish it. Otherwise the students will not be able to access the room. You can publish your course from the home page, as explained in the guide How do I publish a course? ( .