Guides for different roles
During an examination in a computer room different roles have different responsibilities. On the following pages, you can read more about the details about responsibilities and tasks for examiners, local administrative support, and local teacher support. Here you can also find a student guide with information for students taking an exam in a computer room.
Examiner at KTH Digicertus Exam
Here is information aimed at the person who is examiner at examination conducted in computer rooms with the solution KTH Digicertus Exam. The page includes, for example, recommendations for how you communicate with the administrative support, how to prepare your Canvas room, and how you inform your students.
Local administrative support at KTH Digicertus Exam
Here is information that is aimed at local administrative support during examination with the solution KTH Digicertus Exam. The page includes recommendations for booking of rooms and handling of exam invigilators, for example. If you are an examiner in the course, ask your school what support there is.
Local teacher support at KTH Digicertus Exam
Here is information aimed at local teacher support during examination in computer rooms with KTH Digicertus Exam, for example amanuenses. If you are an examiner in the course, ask your school what support there is.
Student guide
Here is information aimed at students taking an exam in a computer room. The page includes information about how examinations in computer rooms are conducted and what you might need to think about before the examination. In addition to this, it is described how to lock down computers during examination in computer rooms.
Examination in computer rooms, student guide